Uttarakhand became the 27th state of the Republic of India on 9th November 2000. The State is carved out of Uttar Pradesh. It occupies 17.3% of India’s total land area with 51,125 sq km. The Rural Development operates a number of development programs for eradicating rural poverty through the tireless efforts of the Government of India and the State Government. In addition to programs funded by the Government of India in Uttarakhand, the State Government has launched several innovative public welfare programs from its financial resources to eradicate poverty. Programs for Rural Economy and Infrastructure Facility Development, mainly by the Rural Development Department, are self employment programs, employment programs, rural housing programs, rural connectivity and field development programs.

Rural Development has 23 departments in Uttarakhand. The State Government is not too far behind in the implementation of rural public welfare programs. Under the innovative initiative taken by the state government, Deendayal Uttarakhand Rural Housing Scheme is being implemented with state financial resources in the area of ​​rural housing
In the implementation of poverty alleviation programs, there is an active role in the selection, planning, execution and maintenance of various welfare schemes of three-tier Panchayats-Gram Panchayat, Zilla Panchayat and Zilla Panchayat of the state. Efforts are being made to make Swavalambi continuously by giving training to the three-tier Panchayats as well as providing training for awareness of duties.



Garhwal Division:-

  1. Soil Testing:

Agriculture Department year 2018-19 soil samples have been collected. In the Garhwal Division, DistrictChamoli, Dehradun, Haridwar, Rudra Prayag, Tehri Garhwal and Uttarkashi reached 100 % of the target whereas Pauri Garhwal reached 94 % of their annual target set goals.

  1. Qualitative Seed Distribution Scheme

Under Qualitative Seed Distribution Scheme (Grain, Wheat, Pulses and Oilseed) percentage distribution has been in DistrictPauri Garhwal 117% followed by Dehradun 114%, Uttarkashi 101%, Rudra Paryag and Tehri Garhwal 100% respectively.DistrictChamoli 92% seeds were distributed against the respective target andHaridwar  90% only.


  1. Soil Testing:

In Agriculture Department of year 2018-19 soil samples have been collected. In Kumaon division Districts Almora reached 220%, Bageshwar, Champawat and Pithoragarh 100%, Nainital 91% and Udham Singh Nagar 86%  out of their annual target set goals.

Result obtained at development level in different Districts was, 100% in Bageshwar, Champawat and Pithoragarh, 91% Nainital, 86% Udham Singh Nagar and 80% Almora out of the set Annual target.

Outcomes reached to the farmers were 484% in Udham Singh Nagar, 174% Bageshwar, 100% Champawat and Pithoragarh, 91% Nainital and 80% Almora.

  1. B) Qualitative Seed Distribution Scheme

Under Qualitative Seed Distribution Scheme (grains, pulses) average percentage of seed distributed was 97% Bageshwar, 93% Pithoragarh, 79% Nainital, 70% Almora, 45% Almora and 29% Udham Singh Nagar against the set target.

  1. C) Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers

The average percentage distribution of chemical fertilizers (Ailment killer, weed killers) in different Districts of Kumaon division was 2359% in Almora, 88% Champawat, 76% Nainital, 69% Pithoragarh, 58% Bageshwar and 31% UdhamSingh Nagar.

  1. D) Crop Loan Distribution

Under Crop Loan Distribution scheme the loan given by Professional Banks to Districts was upto 11570 lakhs in Udham Singh Nagar, 11357 lakhs in Nainital, 3781 lakhs Champawat, 2107 lakhs Pithoragarh, 763 lakhs Bageshwar and 254 lakhs Almora.


  • Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy and it employees large number of people so improvement in agriculture techniques is very important.
  • In Uttarakhand Agriculture is an important source of livelihood as large number of people rely on it as it supply food and fodder.
  • Agriculture is a source of raw material which helps in the processing of the finished products.
  • A stable agricultural sector ensures food security so it needs improvement where its lacking.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Plantation program

During the year 2018-19 District Dehradun has planted 37 lakhs plants in   1471 hectare land, Pauri Garhwal has planted 21 lakhs plants in 2607 hectare, Tehri Garhwal has planted 20 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 1996 hectare, Chamoli has planted 13 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 1719hectare, Uttarkashi has planted 12 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 1361hectare, Rudra Paryag has planted 10 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 874 hectare and Haridwar has planted 3 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 246 hectare.


  1. Plantation program

During the year 2018-19 Districts Almora planted 21 lakhs plants which has covered the land area  1742 hectare similarly District Nainital planted 18 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 2044 hectare, Pithoragrah planted 18 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 2009 hectare, Champawat planted 11 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 1415 hectare, Udham Singh Nagar planted 11 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 1302 hectare, Bageshwar planted 10 lakhs plants which has covered the land area 1158 hectare.


  • In modern times, we have caused much harm by cutting down forests. Even green trees are not safe. It is true that they give us fuel to cook our food. They give us wood for our buildings and furniture. However, we earn a little, but lose a lot.
  • Forests are advantageous to us in many ways.They retain moisture, prevent flooding of water, and erosion of the soil, and keep the average temperature moderate.
  • People of the nation must be aware of the climate change so it is needed to be practiced to plant more and more trees to avoid this situation.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under vegetable seed distribution scheme District Dehradun achieved 122% followed by Haridwar 100, Tehri 99%, Uttarkashi 90%, Rudra Paryag 77%, Chamoli 75% and Pauri Garhwal 3% of their annual set target.
  2. Under manure processing scheme people were trained where District Chamoli has 106% followed by Dehradun and tehri 103% respectively. Pauri and Rudra Paryag 100%, Uttarkashi 83 and Haridwar has 61% of their annual target.
  3. The outcome of the processing of the manure centers were as 100% of District Pauri, 87% Uttarkashi, 83% Rudra Paryag, 80% Dehradun, 75% Tehri, 70% Chamoli and 34% Haridwar of their annual Target.


  1. Under Distribution of plants the percentage of Fruitful plants is 181% in Udham Singh Nagar, 177% in Champawat, 173% in Almora, 100% in Bageshwar, 57% in Nainital and 37% Pithoragrah of their set targets.
  2. Under vegetable seed distribution scheme, District Udham Singh Nagar achieved 465% followed by Champawat 99%, Nainital 90%, Almora 79%, Bageshwar 77% and Pithoragarh 42% of their annual set target.
  3. Under manure processing scheme, in District Pithoragarh 188% people were trained in Udham Singh Nagar 142%, Almora 112 %, Nainital 104%, Bageshwar 100% and Champawat 72% people trained against their annual target. The outcome of the processing of the manure centers were as 120% Udham Singh Nagar, 100% Bageshwar, 92% Champawat, 91% Almora, 83% Nainital and 53% Pithoragarh against the annual Target.


  • It is an important sector for employment generation which can decrease the rapid race of the job sectors and people can flourish from horticulture sector.
  • If better training and incentives are provided to the people it can control the migration.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under Artificial Insemination Centers District Haridwar has 81% followed by 76% Uttarkashi, 70% Dehradun, 66% Chamoli, 60% Pauri and Tehri, Rudra Paryag 44% of their annual target.
  2. Under vaccines imposed on Animals/ Pancakes for the prevention of diseases District Pauri Garhwal have achieved 206%, Uttarakashi 201%, Chamoli 178%, Tehri Garhwal 171%, Haridwar 169%, Rudra Paryag 147% and Dehradun 134% of their annual targets.
  3. Sick animal have been cured where District Rudra Paryag have cured 210%, Chamoli 113%,  Dehradun, Haridwar and Uttarkashi 110% , Tehri 100% and Pauri Garhwal 54% of their annual targets.

Kumoan Division:-

  1. Percentage of Langidia (bq) Vaccines imposed on animal pancakes for the prevention of diseases was 168% Nainital, 157%Bageshwar, 100% in Almora, Chamoli andUdham Singh Nagar. 16% Udham Singh Nagar of their annual target.
  2. Sick animal have been cured where District Nainital have cured 401%, Bageshwar 257%, Almora 125%, Pithoragarh 111%, Champawat 106% and 100% of the annual targets.


  • Milk production Department is interrelated to Animal husbandry department so its play a very important role and direct effect in the Economy of the state or India, Hence we need to bring improvement in the milk production of animals through proper treatments and diets to animals.
  • Animal husbandry provides livestock production
  • The animal husbandry is important in India because most of the farmers are depend on the animal husbandry for their livelihood. They rear animals for milk and other things for their livelihood.


Garhwal Division: –

  1. Average daily milk procurement by committees in District Haridwar is 1105% followed by Uttarkashi 502%, Chamoli 500%, Rudra Paryag 270%, Pauri Garhwal 240%, Tehri Garhwal 130 and Dehradun 1% of their annual target.

Kumoan Division:-

A)   Under Non Operational Flood Scheme the percentage of working committees was 882% in Udham Singh Nagar, 584%in Almora, 101% in Pithoragarh, 95% in Nainital, 87% in Champawat and 72% in Bageshwar. And percentage of membership is 1204% in Champawat, 201% in Almora, 108% in Bageshwar, 100% in Pithoragarh, 96% in Nainital and 1%in Udham Singh Nagar against the set annual targetB)    The percentage of Average Daily milk procurement by committees achieved was 969% of Champawat, 683% of Udham Singh Nagar, 592% of Pithoragarh, 556% of Almora, 186% of Bageshwar and 98% of NainitalC)    The average daily sales by committes in the District Nainital is 83158 thousand /liter, Udham Singh Nagar is 306 thousand /liter, Almora 86 thousand /liter, Pithoragarh 60 thousand /liter, Champawat 33 thousand /liter and Bageshwar 3 thousand /liter from the set targetD)   Under Women Dairy Project the average percentage of total number of women commitees and women members is 102% in Pithoragarh then followed by 101% Almora, 100% Nainital and Udham Singh Nagar,89% Bageshwar and 82% Champawat of the set annual target


  • MilkIncreases Food Security, Nutrition and Incomes.
  • Dairy Farming Empowers Women.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Domestic Fishes were distributed in District Tehri 206%, Haridwar 103%, Pauri and Rudra Paryag 100%, Chamoli 66%, Dehradun 14% and Uttarkashi 9% of their annual target.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under Private Minor Irrigation personal work for Kachhi Gull construction has been done were District Haridwar 208%, Dehradun 167%, Pauri Garhwal 122%, Uttarkashi 104%, Rudra Paryag 100%, Chamoli and Tehri 36% out of their annual targets.
  2. Under Generation of irrigation capacity District Haridwar 167%, Tehri Garhwal 128%, Pauri Garhwal 115%, Chamoli 113%, Dehradun 104%, Uttarkashi 100% and Rudra Paryag 60% Out of their annual targets.


  1. Under Private Minor Irrigation personal work for Kachhi Gull construction has been done were District Champawat 144%, Pithoragarh 81%, Udham Singh Nagar 42%, Bageshwar 37%, Almora 31% and Nainital 18% out of their annual targets.
  2. Generation of irrigation capacity the percentage achieved was 176% Nainital then followed by 119% Bageshwar, 118% Champawat, 107% Pithoragarh, 100% Almora and 84%Udham Singh Nagar out of their annual targets.


  • Multiple cropping can help in proper utilization of water management.
  • Increase in agricultural production and productivity depends, to a large extent, on the availability of water, the availability of irrigation facilities which needs an improvement in Uttarakhand State
  • Productivity on irrigated land is considerably higher than the productivity on un-irrigated land.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under rural and small industry scheme in prime minister employment plan people were benefited in District Chamoli 663%, Haridwar 175%, Tehri Garhwal 150%, Dehradun, Pauri Garhwal, Rudra Paryag and Uttarkashi 100% Out of their annual targets.
  2. Under Debt distribution Scheme District Tehri Garhwal 320%, Uttarkashi 120%, Dehradun, Pauri Garhwal, and Rudra Paryag 100%, Chamoli 67% and Haridwar 64% out of their annual target.


  1. The percentage of establishment of new small industrial unit in District Almora is 114%, Nainital is 112%, Pithoragarh and Champawat is 101%, Bageshwar is 100% and Udham Singh Nagar is 91% against the set annual target.


  • These minor industries provide employment to large number of people.
  • The establishment of small industries brings a development in a rural areas


Garhwal Division:-

  1. New units were installed were District Haridwar 171%, Uttarkashi 168%, Tehri Garhwal 120%, Rudra Paryag 100%, Chamoli 70%, Dehradun 60% and Pauri Garhwal 55% of their annual target.
  2. People were benefited under the scheme as District Haridwar 185%, Tehri Garhwal 120%, Rudra Paryag and Uttarkashi 100%, Pauri Garhwal 66%, Chamoli 57% and Dehradun 46 % out of their annual target.
  3. Under the scheme debt were distributed as in District Haridwar 207%, Chamoli 105%, Rudra Paryag 100%, Uttarakashi 91%, Tehri Garhwal 88%, Dehradun 68% and PauriGarhwal 38% out of their annual target.
  4. Jobs were created as in District Haridwar 218%, Chamoli 101%, Pauri Garhwal and Rudra Paryag 100%, Uttarakashi 76%, Dehradun 46% and Tehri Garhwal 30% and out of their annual target.


  • Khadi and Village industry create maximum employment opportunity by establishment of small industry with low capital investment and strengthen rural economy.
  • With a view to discourage the migration of rural educated youth to the urban areas and to solve the problem of unemployment rapidly these industries should be improved.
  • Traditional art forms of the local area should be preserved and promoted khadi is one of them.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under the scheme members were increased as in District Rudra Paryag 523 %, Dehradun 53%, Pauri Garhwal 48%, Haridwar 37%, Tehri Garhwal 30%, Chamoli 28% and Uttarkashi 14% out of their annual data.
  2. Increase in Subscription in percentage were as in the District as Rudra Paryag 499%, Pauri Garhwal 142%, Chamoli 96%, Haridwar 86%, Uttarkashi 79%, Dehradun 68% and Tehri Garhwal 32% out of their annual target.

Under short term loan distribution scheme

  1. Khareef loan were distributed in District Rudra Paryag 725%, Uttarkashi 141%, Haridwar 139%, Tehri Garhwal 69%, Chamoli 38%, Pauri Garhwal 31% and Dehradun 15% out of their annual target.
  2. Recovery of Corporative dues (Short term and Medieval ) out of the annual target of the Districts were as in District Haridwar 158%, Dehradun 68%, Pauri Garhwal 61%
    Rudra Paryag 52%, Uttarakashi 43%, Chamoli 34% and Tehri Garhwal 27%.


  1. The percentage increase in membership was 75% Bageshwar, 43%Champawat, 29% Almora and Nainital, 36% Pithoragarh and 27% Udham Singh Nagar
  2. The increase in subscription is 176 lakhs Udham Singh Nagar, 95 lakhs Pithoragarh, 74 lakhs Nainital, 45 lakhs Champawat, 41 lakhs Almora and 31 lakhs Bageshwarut of set annual target.
  3. Under Medieval Debt distribution the percentage of debt distributed was 63% Bageshwar, 49% Pithoragarh, 42% Champawat, 37% Nainital, 25% Udham Singh Nagar and 20% Almora against the target. And the recovery of cooperative dues was 122% in Champawat 65% in Nainital, 56% in Udham Singh Nagar, 53% in Almora, 48% in Pithoragarh, 47% in Bageshwar.


  • Small loans help the local people for employment generation.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under Health and family welfare scheme Children were treated against Polio and Measles, District Tehri achieved 100% followed by Chamoli and Uttarkashi 98%, Rudra Paryag 95%, Haridwar 94%, Pauri Garhwal 80% and Dehradun 77% against the target.
  2. The percentage of immunization of BCG vaccines was 99% in Uttarkashi, 97% Tehri, 95% in Dehradun, 85% Haridwar, Pauri and Rudra Paryag and 84% Chamoli.

Kumoan Division:-

  1. Under Health and family welfare scheme Children were treated against Polio and Measles District Udham Singh Nagar achieved 269%, followed by Almora 111%, Champawat 100%, Bageshwar, Nainital 99% and Pithoragarh 98% against the target.
  2. The average percentage of immunization of vaccines (DPT, BCG) was 232% in Udham Singh Nagar, 136% in Almora, 103% in Nainital, 100% in Champawat, 99% in Pithoragarh and 98% in Bageshwar.
  3. The average percentage of Sterilization in males and females was 96% in Champawat, 87% in Bageshwar, 77% in Almora, 57% in Nainital, 48% in Pithoragarh, 20% in Udham Singh Nagar.


  • It is more important for the nation to have proper health facilities for people.
  • pregnant women should be given proper care during the pregnancy period.
  • To reduce infant mortality rates in the rural areas proper health care as well as good infrastructure must be provided.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. The scholarships for schedule caste and other backward class students was 100% in Dehradun, Haridwar, Tehri and Pauri Garhwal, 44% in Chamoli, 37% in Uttarkashi and 1% in Rudra Paryag.
  2. The funds distribution to schedule casts was 100% in Dehradun, Haridwar and Tehri, 74% in Chamoli, 57% in Uttarkashi, 13% in Rudra Paryag and 1 % in Pauri Garhwal.
  3. Under the pention scheme The average percentage of pentions (Scheduled cast pention, Farmer pention,pention for disabled people and others) was 259% in Dehradun, 219% in Uttarkashi, 208 % in Chamoli, 100% in Haridwar, Pauri and Tehri , 72% in Rudra Paryag.


  1. Under Self Employed Scheme the percentage of beneficent person in the District was 122% in Champawat, 116% in Pithoragarh, 105 in Bageshwar, 101% in Udham Singh Nagar, 100% in Nainital and Almora.
  2. The scholarships for schedule casts students was 115% in Almora, 76% in Nainital, 54% in Pithoragarh, 47% in Bageshwar, 31% in Udham Singh Nagar and 27% in Champawat.
  3. Under the pention scheme The average percentage of pentions (Scheduled cast pention, Farmer pention,pention for disabled people and others) was 231% in Udham Singh Nagar, 144% in Nainital, 124% in Bageshwar, 107% in Almora, 55% in Pithoragarh and 53% in Champawat.


  • Proper verification is required so that the right people can be benefited and fraud practices can be reduced.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under the Integrated child development project the average percentage of development of children (age 0-3 and 3-6 years) achieved 889% in Pauri followed 655% in Dehradun, 230% Tehri Garhwal, 82% Chamoli, 61% Haridwar, 54% Rudra Prayag and 22% Uttarkashi. And incentives provided to pregnant lady for the unborn child was 910% in Pauri, 741% in Dehradun, 287% in Tehri, 81% in Chamoli, 79% in Rudra Paryag, 55% in Haridwar and 45% in Uttarkashi.


  1. Under the Integrated child development project the average percentage of development of children(age 0-3 and 3-6 years) archived 103% in Pithoragarh followed by 100%  Almora and Bageshwar, 87% Nainital, 81% Udham Singh Nagar and 70% Champawat. And incentives provided to pregnant lady for the unborn child was 100%  Almora, Bageshwar and Pithoragarh,76% Champawat, 11% Nainital and 7% Udham Singh Nagar against the set target.


  • Proper health treatment like vaccination, polio drops and so on must be given to the children.
  • People should be made aware through regular health camps in rural areas.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna the average percentage of employment demand of people and families was 212 % in Pauri Garhwal, 101% in Uttarkashi and Rudra Paryag, 100% in Haridwar and Dehradun, 91% in Chamoli and 75 % in Tehri against the set target.
  2. The average percentage of jobs creation and employment given to families and people is 176% in Pauri Garhwal, 102% Tehri Gadhwal, 101% Uttarkashi, 100% Haridwar, 99% Dehradun, 98% Chamoli and 95 % Rudra Paryag against the set target.
  3. The average percentage of expenditure done on unskilled labour, material and administration was 240% Chamoli, 146% Pauri Garhwal, 112%Rudra Paryag, 100% Dehradun, Haridwar, Tehri Gadhwal and 85% Uttarkashi against the set target.
  4. Under water conservation scheme District Pauri Garhwal achieved 317% followed by 200% Uttarkashi, 100% Chamoli, Dehradun and Rudraparyag, 59%Haridwar and 1% Rudra Paryag.
  5. The Percentage of work completion on cleaning work, a forestation, and plantation was 100% in Chamoli, Haridwar and Tehri Garhwal, 90% in Pauri Garhwal, 80% in Uttarkashi, 75% Dehradun and 1% Rudra Paryag. Ongoing work is 287% in Pauri Garhwal, 233% in Uttarkashi, 100% in Chamoli, Dehradun and Tehri Gadhwal, 2% in Rudra Paryag, -38% Haridwar.
  6. Percentage of work completion on small canals was 166% in Pauri Garhwal, 100% in Chamoli, Dehradun, Haridwar and Tehri Garhwal, 71% Uttarkashi and1% Pauri Garhwal.
  7. The Percentage of work completion of land for Sheduled casts, self owned land, allotted land and land for irrigation of Indra Benificiary Families was 156% in Pauri Garhwal, 150% in Uttarkashi, 100% in Tehri Garhwal, Dehradun and Chamoli, 7% in Haridwar and 1% in Rudra Paryag.
  8. Out of the set target in Renewable of Traditional Hydrocarbons Pauri Garhwal achieved 149% followed by Uttarkashi 125%, Chamoli, Dehradun and Tehri Garhwal 100%, Haridwar 72% and Rudra Paryag 1%.
  9. The ongoing development of land turned up to be 261% in Pauri Garhwal, 157% in Uttarkashi, 100% in Chamoli, Dehradun, Haridwar and Tehri Garhwaland 1% in Rudra Paryag.
  10. The percentage of development of Drains, Small pulias and drainage systems in rural areas is 222% in Pauri Garhwal, 150% in Uttarkashi, 140% in Tehri Gadhwal, 100% in Chamoli and Dehradun, 1% in Rudra Paryag and -792% in Haridwar.

Kumoan Division:-

  1. Under Indra Housing Scheme the percentage of houses built was 106% in Bageshwar, 90% in Pithoragarh, 77% in Udham Singh Nagar, 76% in Almora, 65% in Champawat and 33% in Nainita.
  2. The Percentage of work completion on cleaning work, afforestation, and plantation was 162% in Almora, 100% in Bageshwar, Champawat, Nainital, Pithoragarh and Udham Singh Nagar. Ongoing work is 100% in Bagehwar, Champawat, Nainital, Pithoragarh and Udham Singh Nagar, 89% in Almora against the target.
  3. Percentage of work completion on small canals was 190% in Almora and 100% in Bageshwar, Champawat, Nainital, Pithoragarh and Udham Singh Nagar of the set target.
  4. The land development and security work was 199% in Almora, 100% in Bageshwar, Champawat, Nainital, Pithoragarh and Udham Singh Nagar.


  • Proper drinking water and sanitation facilities should be provided in the rural areas.
  • Linkages of rural roads with the urban areas help in development.
  • Incentives and better trainings for employment generation must be provided to the village people to avoid migration.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under Pradashik Vikas Dal rural sports development was 200% in Haridwar, 100% in Tehri Garhwal, Rudra Paryag, Dehradun and Chamoli, 97% in Uttarkashi and 61% in Pauri Garhwal.


Garhwal Division:-

  1. Under small savings the long term net deposit funds turned up to 1522688 thousand rupees in Haridwar, 1480800 thousand rupees in Pauri Garhwal, 734710 thousand rupees in Chamoli, 508889 thousand rupees in Tehri Garhwal, 308527 thousand rupees in Uttarkashi, 63759 thousand rupees  in Rudra Paryag and 50798 thousand rupees in Dehradun.


  1. Under small savings the long term net deposit funds turned up to 53187400 thousand rupees in Almora, 970589 thousand rupees in Pithoragarh, 852092 thousand rupees in Champawat, 489851 thousand rupees in Bageshwar, 395766 thousand rupees in Udham Singh Nagar, 157912 thousand rupees in Nainital against the set annual target.


  • Rural Development is important for Indian economy, The present study about the critical analysis of rural  development interventions has revealed various factors which are required to be modified and changed for achievement of its objectives for inclusive growth of the region. Rural development interventions create a healthy ground for the upliftment of the rural people by yielding various employment opportunities and infrastructure facilities. Although the role of these organizations are highly pro-people but the extent of benefits to the beneficiaries are not as effective as it is required.

The framing of development programmes should not be done on the basis of some already thought

  • The framing of development programmes should not be done on the basis of some already thought level of capabilities of local people rather it should be planned on the  actual potential  of the local people. It is  suggested that the plans should  not be standard rather tailor made  to the actual need,capabilities, available local resources and interest of the local people
  • Verification of the data is required in some departments such as in agriculture, milk production, social welfare etc.
  • District Rudra Paryag in comparison to other Districts is lacking behind in rural development.
  • In Kumoan Division quantity of data is available comparatively to Garhwal Division.


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