Language is the means through which we can express our thoughts and for this we use speech sounds. Students’ Language Across The Curriculum has a very important contribution in itself through which understanding and expressing ideas are included.
Language is that group of words and sentences etc. uttered by the mouth, through which the matter of the mind is told. The representative vowels of all the sounds of a language combine in one arrangement to form the concept of a complete language. That set of expressed sound, with the help of which people of a society or country express their hidden feelings and thoughts to each other. That group of words and sentences etc. pronounced by the mouth, through which the matter of the mind is told.
In general, language can be called the medium of ideological exchange. Language is the most reliable medium of inner expression. Not only this, it is also a means of our inner construction, development, our identity, socio-cultural identity. Without language man is totally incomplete and disconnected from his history and tradition.
Being a social animal, human interacts among various social relations. Language is the best tool for this. Because of being able to speak language, human being has got a very high status in comparison to animals. As easy and natural it is to put language into practice, it is equally difficult and difficult to get acquainted with its facts. In the present technological age, sounds have become more important than written words in daily life. The real form of language is sound. The following are the main components / components of language by linguists-
Note: Almost all the topics of the B.Ed. programme have been described in detail on our website; this analysis is available to you in both Hindi and English, for which you can go to the menu and select the B.Ed. programme.
(1) Sound
From the point of view of pronunciation, the smallest and most important unit of language is sound, which is also called vowel. The vibration that vibrates the auditory organ through air waves is called sound. action of any kind; For example, the vibration that is produced in the normal environment by falling, getting up, sitting and trauma etc., all come under sound. The sound field is wide. There are three aspects of sound—first production, second transmission and third reception. In these production and eclipse are related to the body and convection is related to air waves. The existence of all the three aspects is very important for the meaning of sound. The parts of the human body from which sound is produced are called the parts of pronunciation or the sound system or the speech system. Lungs, trachea, larynx, larynx, throat, nostrils, teeth, tongue and lips are the main components of pronunciation.
(2) Words
From the point of view of meaningfulness, the smallest, essential and independent unit of language is the word, that is, it is a group of meaningful sounds. Bhartrihari has considered the word as the means of all expressions and meanings. From the point of view of composition, there are three types of words, Rudh, Yogik and Yogarudh, while from the point of view of transformation, there are two types of words – vicious and unchanging. If considered from the point of view of meaning, then there are two differences of the word – one meaning and one meaning.
(3) post
The form in which words are used in a sentence is called a post, that is, the form of the word used in a sentence is a post. It is a common denominator. This means that it is divisive. By conjugation of inflections, many terms or forms of a word are formed which contain different meanings. The word can be used in a sentence only when inflectional suffix is used with it. Syntax formation is impossible without post. As long as a word does not become a post, it remains totally unable to convey meaning and meaning. Therefore, that form of a word is called a term, which is always capable of meaning and meaning by taking a combination of inflection and suffix and being used in a sentence. Thus a sentence is a group of words. It is the most suitable unit of the sentence, which is developed through gender, word, factor, person, time and voice etc.
(4) Sentence
Generally meaningful and systematic group of words is called sentence, through which there is complete expression of feeling. According to Maharishi Patanjali, “Where verb, participle, factor and adjective come together, it is called a sentence. The sentence becomes a verse as well as a group of verses. Sentences are also verbose and verbless. There is an inextricable relation between the post and the sentence. A sentence cannot be imagined without a post. In practice, you use sentences only to speak. A sentence is a simple unit of language, consisting of one or more words or phrases. Each language has its own system of syntax.
(5) meaning
Language, words and sentences without meaning have no justification. Yasak is of the opinion that, “Just as dry fuel cannot burn in the absence of fire, similarly the word repeated without knowing the meaning can never throw light on the main subject.” Meaning is the name of the inner power of the word, because the word is emanating from the word, while the meaning is non-different or inseparable, according to Dr. Schiller, “Meaning is nothing else, it is necessarily personal, because the meaning of a thing is individual. depends on what the object is intended for. “From the psychological point of view, meaning is really a matter of context, but logically, meaning can be considered something other than context or matter. The entire dignity of a word rests on its meaning. Generally there are 5 elements of meaning communication- (1) speaker (2) listener (3) symbol (4) object and (5) instruction. The justification of the language is proved only by connecting with the meaning.
At present, language has so much importance in human life that language is considered synonymous with human development. The human child develops in the environment of the society. There are definite traditions of language in a society. In this linguistic environment proper and balanced development of the child takes place. Man depends on language only for the expression of thoughts and feelings and for the acquisition of knowledge to fulfill his needs. It can be said that all human qualities are developed through language only. The importance of language is self-evident.
- Language is a means of expression and exchange of ideas
The effort to express feelings gave birth to language. Being an intelligent creature, man gradually developed thought-oriented language. Today, along with the expression of feelings through language, man also thinks and exchange ideas. From this point of view, language has great importance in human life.
- Foundation of study-teaching
Language is the simplest means of study and teaching. Language is the foundation of education. Through language, the teacher introduces his children to the perfection of knowledge.
- Mental development
Thinking power is needed for mental development. Thoughts can flow only through language. Thoughts give birth to language and language gives birth to thoughts. The stronger the language a person has, the stronger his thinking power will be.
4. Language is the basis of social behavior and social interaction
All the social interactions that take place between human beings are done through the medium of language, whatever behavior they do with each other, they also do it through the medium of language. It is through language that human beings have been organized into social groups, united as nations and have been placed on a platform at the international level. All this was not possible in the absence of language. From this point of view also, language has great importance in human life.
- Language is the basic foundation of human development
All the animals, birds and insects and kites of the universe are older than humans, but only humans have moved forward on the path of progress. After all, what is this power by which mankind has developed all this? That power is the power of language, the power of thought. Although other creatures of the world also have their own languages, but thought-oriented language is the specialty of human beings only. Man’s language and his thoughts have an unbreakable relationship, language emerges from thought and thought through language. In the absence of language man cannot think and in the absence of thought he cannot progress in his field of knowledge and science. In the words of Sanskritcharya Dandi- If the light of words had not been published in this world, then all the three worlds would have remained full of darkness in the form of ignorance (Idamndhatam: Kritsnam Jayet Bhuvantrayam). If the world does not shine without words. – Dandi, Kavyadarsh).
- Language preserves human feelings, thoughts, experiences and aspirations
Through language, we preserve our feelings, thoughts, experiences and aspirations and through that we transfer them all to the coming generations. The coming generation adds feelings, thoughts, experiences and aspirations to it and transfers it to the next generation. In this way, there is always change and improvement in thoughts. Whatever achievements mankind has made in the field of knowledge and science, they are all preserved through language. The knowledge and science of the present is the foundation of the knowledge and science of the future. All this is not possible in the absence of language.
- Language is the identity of human civilization and culture
The story of language is the story of human civilization and culture. As a human society progressed in its language, in the same way its civilization and culture developed, there was progress in the field of knowledge and science, creation of superior literature. Only then the civilization and culture of a caste, society or nation can be assessed from its literature. India was the guru of the world in ancient times, the proof of this is the literature of that time – Vedas, Upanishads and Smritis.
Language background of the students
It is very important to understand that the language background of the students is very important in the education system. Students come from different societies and environment due to which their linguistic background also varies. The language of the students depends on the background and upbringing of the students, it depends on how the students are brought up and in which society. The linguistic background of the students can be understood in the following way-
1- Geographical diversity
Geographical diversity has a profound effect on the linguistic background of students. The language background of a student who comes from a remote, inaccessible area is lower than that of a student from an urban area. Because all the opportunities are easily available to the students of urban areas to improve the quality of language, from which the students of rural areas are deprived.
2- Family education
When family education has a significant effect on the linguistic background of the student, which determines the linguistic level of the student. The family whose parents are educated make every possible effort to improve the linguistic quality of their children and the quality of their language improves. Those families which are not literate are not able to give linguistic knowledge to their children due to which their linguistic background remains low.
3- Influence of the economic sector
On the linguistic background, it leaves a deep impact in the economic field. A child who is born into an affluent family has a better linguistic background because that family invests in linguistic quality. Whereas a child who is born in a low economic family also has a low linguistic background because that family does not have enough money nor enough time to invest in the quality of the child’s language because that family does not make a living. Works only for
4- Cultural influence
The cultural influence on the language background of the students is also very important in itself. Because the culture of the society in which the student lives also plays a very important role in his personality and linguistic development. Different students come from different social environment, which also have their own different culture. Due to this cultural diversity, the linguistic background of the students also varies.
What is a multilingual classroom?
A multilingual classroom is a classroom in which learners have access to more than one language.
According to Hagen- “The state of knowledge of two languages is bilingual.” Although the person who knows many languages is called polyglot, but the person who knows more than one language (only two) is called bilingual as well as polyglot.
According to Bloomfield – “The situation of multilingualism arises when a person lives in a society that speaks a language different from his mother tongue and while living in that society, he becomes so fluent in that other language that Can use like mother tongue.
Some scholars presented it in the form that bilingualism or multilingualism refers to the condition of a person learning two or more languages simultaneously and using them with equal and spontaneous effect since childhood, but linguists reject this and argue that two Mother-tongue-like competence in languages is an ideal that is very difficult to achieve. In this way, knowledge and use of more than one language is a condition of multilingualism.
Multilingualism in the classroom
If teachers support multilingualism in practice, it will have a positive impact on the academic performance of their students. This will also lead to better social and emotional well-being. This can be done passively (when one allows students to use their mother tongue) or actively by implementing multilingual practices in the process of teaching.
Plus, we know that only when children understand what they hear and read are they truly able to learn. Without that understanding, they will have difficulty absorbing the material. Therefore, when you have a multilingual classroom, it will do you good if you are able to apply multilingualism in practice, helping students understand what they are reading and listening to. This would then lead to better understanding and higher quality learning process.
Another thing we need to point out is that learning is most effective if one builds on what one already knows. And since children already know their native language, they will get the best results from the implementation of multilingualism in the classroom. Also, their mother tongue will help them cope better with learning a second, third, etc. language.
Supporting multilingualism in the classroom can be a valuable educational practice having a positive impact on students’ academic performance as well as social and emotional well-being. Whether passively by allowing students to use their home language, or more actively by implementing teaching and learning practices based on more than one language, it is important to view all students’ languages as resources”Education only rather than an unwanted burden in the way of “language of”. Small educational practices such as showing interest in and valuing students’ linguistic and cultural resources can have many positive effects. For example, encouraging students to use their home languages to aid group work means that students will be able to access pre-existing knowledge that would otherwise be invisible. Such practices can provide inclusive opportunities for deep learning and an effective foundation towards building knowledge and developing language proficiency.
In short, giving importance to students’ linguistic and cultural backgrounds and encouraging the use of their languages in the classroom are valuable teaching and learning practices. It can boost student confidence, help achieve learning goals, enhance academic performance and contribute to greater awareness of other languages and cultures in the wider community by celebrating diversity and inclusion Is.
Benefits of multilingualism main
1- More communication skills
The development of multilingualism improves the communication skills of the students. Having knowledge of many languages makes it very easy to communicate and with which a student can easily communicate with others and can achieve excellence in communication.
2- Higher linguistic comprehension
Having knowledge of many languages in students increases their intellectual ability in languages. They have knowledge of different languages, due to which they definitely benefit from it in any work ahead. Having knowledge of multilingual not only helps in understanding the language, but also develops the personality.
3- Best Management Practices
Having knowledge of multilingualism increases students’ intellectual ability as well as other working abilities. In which he works in an excellent manner and also achieves excellence in their management.
4- Adapting to your environment
Due to the knowledge of many languages, the students try to mold themselves according to the environment. The student always tries to bring about a qualitative change in him so that he can increase his work abilities.
5- More career opportunities
Multilingualism increases the vocational options of the students. He has business options by having knowledge of multilingual from which he can choose the option that suits him. So in this way multilingualism has this power.
6- Efficient multifunctionality
Multilingualism enables students to multitask, they are able to do multiple tasks at the same time with ease. Sometimes individuals have to do many tasks at the same time, so this proficiency can be achieved through multilingualism.
7- Improve memory
Multilingualism also improves the memory of the students. Due to the knowledge of many languages, the memory of the students goes higher. Due to improvement in memory, work efficiency also increases.
8- Increase in working capacity by learning additional languages
If the student learns many languages, then due to the learning of many languages, the working capacity of the students also increases.
9- Cognitive benefits
Learning and knowing several languages sharpens the mind and improves memory. Even it works as a protection against various diseases.
A study published by researchers from the Center for Brain and Cognition at the Università Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, has shown that multilingual people are better at observing their surroundings. They examined the differences between bilinguals and monolinguals by observing structural images of both types of brains. They can easily spot anything irrelevant or confusing. They are also better than their monolingual peers at identifying misleading information.
Another study in Luxembourg examined the protective effect of multilingualism on cognition in seniors and found that “practicing multilingualism from early life, and/or learning it at an accelerated pace, is even more efficient. This protective cognitive reserve” and may be related to enhancing brain plasticity, thereby protecting against changes in brain function during aging.
10- Improving the ability to multitask
Being able to speak multiple languages can make you perform better in many ways. A study by a cognitive scientist at Pennsylvania State University found that multilingual people who can coordinate languages are more efficient at multitasking. Because multilingual people are accustomed to switching between different systems of speech and grammar, they are able to switch rapidly between multiple tasks. Another study by Ellen Bialystok of Toronto’s York University shows that bilingual children are better at prioritizing tasks than monolinguals.
Another study by Ellen Bialystok of Toronto’s York University shows that bilingual children are better at prioritizing tasks than monolinguals.
11- Improving communication skills
Research shows that exposure to multiple languages enhances communication skills. As Lieberman F. et al, children who grow up in multilingual environments better understand other people’s perspectives, which is a driver for good communication. Multilingualism can also increase sensitivity to cultural awareness. Speaking different languages makes you more open to interactions with other cultures and allows you to speak directly to people from other countries and backgrounds, thereby improving intercultural communication skills.
Challenges of Multilingual Education
- Difficulty interacting with families
One of the challenges of multilingual education is the difficulty of interacting with family members who speak a different language or dialect. This is especially true when reuniting with family members after a long absence. Most multilingual individuals grew up speaking a single language at home, even in countries where many different languages are spoken.
While it may be possible for family members to understand each other when discussing simple topics, deeper conversations can be challenging because neither party is familiar with the specific words and expressions that enable meaningful conversation.
- Language problem
Another challenge of multilingual education is language proficiency. For children who grow up speaking more than one language, it can be very difficult to address language problems, whether due to physical or natural challenges with pronunciation or grammar. This is because defects in each language must be partially corrected, making it more difficult to develop basic-level proficiency in any one language.
- Shortage of qualified teachers
One of the challenges of multilingualism is the lack of qualified teachers who can teach in different languages. Becoming fluent in multiple dialects and cultures requires considerable effort, which not everyone can afford in terms of time and money. Although being bilingual is considered a valuable skill, it does not necessarily translate into expertise in a particular field.
- Switch a student’s attention to a different subject
Furthermore, the acquisition of multiple languages can have a negative impact on a student’s academic performance, especially if English is not their first language. It may be difficult for them to focus on other subjects, and some teachers may suggest that they focus their attention elsewhere.
- High cost of learning
Another issue is the high cost of learning a new language. Understanding the nuances and cultural background of a language takes time, and not everyone can afford to travel or buy books and materials to learn about them.
Despite these challenges, knowing the benefits and drawbacks of multilingualism is important for those who wish to pursue it. Mastering multiple languages can provide personal and professional benefits that can set individuals apart from the competition.
The language of the house, the language has a deep connection with the feelings. The child learns the language of the home along with the mother’s milk. The language will be used by the child’s parents and relatives in the house, the child will also learn the same language. This relationship is not only imitative, it is also emotional. The child loves his parents and his parents also love him very much.
For this reason the child first learns the language of his home. His connection with the home language gradually becomes so deep that whatever he thinks, he thinks in the home language. Even after developing the ability to use other languages over time, the ease with which he uses the home language is not that of any other language. Even in adulthood, the relation of home language in a person’s life is not with any other language. The more easily a person can express his thoughts in his home language at any time while sleeping or waking up, he never gets that much right in any other language. The feeling of provincialism develops on this basis because the home language gives us ease of expression.
The home language is the one that the child learns from the mother, hence it is also known as mother tongue. Man has to use some language or the other for self-direction and expression of feelings and to receive the thoughts of others, but he can express his inner feelings, emotions and feelings with as much beauty, simplicity and clarity as possible. He can do more in Barelu language than in any other language. The language in which the educated people of their society exchange thoughts, work, write and read, is the home language or mother tongue. The language which the child learns from the mother and through which he expresses his thoughts in his family and community, in true sense is that child’s mother tongue, but in Uttar Pradesh, the village children often express themselves in Awadhi, Braj language. Bhojpuri is done through dialects, yet Hindi is the medium of thought-exchange of the polite society of Uttar Pradesh. The mother tongue of Uttar Pradesh is Hindi only, not any particular dialect and the students have to be taught this Hindi. Due to the dynamics of language, each language is embedded with many dialects and dialects. In fact, the dialect or dialect spoken by the mother is the home or mother tongue of the child. We speak our regional dialect, but in external behavior we speak or write civil Hindi, so our Hindi is the compilation of our thoughts and actions, it is an integral part of our brain institutions, in this we express our feelings of self-defense. At the same time, those qualities whose existence is essential for a qualified citizen, are facilitated by this, that is, clear thinking, thoughtful expression, accuracy of thoughts and actions, emotional and creative life can be expressed appropriately.
Home language is also called mother tongue. Mother tongue is the foundation stone of human development. It is in the mother tongue that the child gives its first linguistic expression in this world. Mother tongue is literally the language of cradle or carousel. The child listens to lullabies from his mother in this language, in this language the child listens to the stories of the king-queen and fairies and one day this language becomes the language of that child and becomes the medium of expression. In this initial expression of emotion, both mother and son become ecstatic. Explaining the superiority of mother tongue, Mahatma Gandhi has said, “Mother tongue is as important for the mental development of a man as mother’s milk is for the physical development of a child. The child reads the first lesson from his mother only, so his I consider it a sin against the motherland to impose a language other than the mother tongue on it for mental development. Mother tongue has special importance in the education of a child. Mother tongue is the best means of education. The importance of mother tongue can be explained in the following way can be done-
- Mental development
Thinking power is needed for mental development. Thoughts can flow only through the mother tongue. Thoughts give birth to language and language gives birth to thoughts. The stronger the person’s mother tongue, the stronger his thinking power will be.
- Social Development
Literature is created in language. It is only through language literature that changes take place in the society and social development takes place. Mother tongue is a very suitable tool for this work. Which is done to the children from home through language.
- Importance of ethics
In the field of language, mother tongue is the only means which develops physical and character qualities.
- Development of personality
The development of the overall personality of the children depends on the knowledge of the mother tongue. Mother tongue is helpful in the intellectual, moral and cultural development of the child. When a child receives education in his mother tongue, there is no pressure on his physical organs and all the senses related to hearing, speaking, writing and reading develop properly. The brain and heart work independently from the mother tongue, whereas if education is given in another language, mental stress can increase.
- Creative Development
Through language, a person becomes successful in thinking, thinking and expressing ideas independently. Thinking of mother tongue is a fundamental thinking which is possible only through mother tongue. Therefore, creativity develops in this originality.
- Good citizenship
Mother-tongue imparts knowledge of art to human life in a person. Mother-tongue develops the qualities of good citizenship along with behavior towards their home and society. This task is successfully accomplished through the medium of the mother tongue.
- Importance of cultural life
Culture is very important in life. Through the mother tongue one gets the knowledge of the basic values and these cultural ideas keep the philosophy of life eternal in the form of culture.
The language in which the child receives education in the school is called the language of the school. In the school the child gets a totally different environment from the home. There he is expected to sit quietly and quietly. He should do as he is told. He should answer only those questions that are put to him. New ideas and new things come before him and he has to prove that he has absorbed those new ideas and new things as quickly as possible. Here everything is different to the child from home and if sometimes he finds that many children find themselves unable to adapt to this new environment, then it is not surprising and if the language in which all this If new things are kept, which is different from his mother tongue, then we can estimate how much the difficulties of the child will increase. Even if it is a long time since a child comes to school, he will still have to read a lot of lessons in different subjects. He will be able to understand the lesson of geography or history easily if it is taught in his home language. Teaching these subjects through the medium of a second language will increase the load on the child and his progress will be extremely slow.
By imparting education in the language that the child uses at home, the relationship between home and school can be made closer. Whatever the child learns in school, he can use it at home. Apart from this, parents will also be able to understand the problems of the school very well and will be able to make some contribution to the school in the education of the child. Parents can express any episode as well as in the home language, not so much in other languages. Apart from this, the child also does not learn any topic as well as he absorbs it in the home language, using other languages.
The power of the level of the language used in school is rated more than that of the home language. The main reason for this is that the student studies various subjects in the school language and continuous use of that language creates a hold on that language as well. The child reads in the school language only and the school language is also used for oral expression. His power is considered high because of reading various subjects in the
school language and taking support of the same for oral expression. Most of the text books are also in the school language, which the student has to use continuously. There are many topics in the text books on which the student can give speech and debate. With such episodes, the student learns the use of the school language quickly and also acquires proficiency in it.
The evaluation of various types of examinations is also done in the school language only. Questions are asked on the read material in the school language only and conclusions are drawn. The child also gets acquainted with the grammar of the school language. He becomes so proficient in school language that he knows the target meaning and sarcasm of words. Also acquires the ability to use index, appendix, bibliography etc. The ability to identify the main elements of various literary genres-essay, drama, story, novel, biography, memoir etc. comes only because of mastering the skills of the school language. With the continuous use of school language, it also develops comprehensibility, sense perception and critical ability. Knowledge of the aesthetic sense of different types of prose and poetry literature and as well as he can express them in the school language, not so much in other languages and if the school language and the mother tongue were the same, then his hold on the language would have been very strong. Is. In this way, the power of school language is more dynamism.
Dialect – A specific form of language spoken in a particular region is called a dialect. That is, the language spoken in a small town or area is called a dialect. The literature of the dialect remains oral and not written, it does not have a script.
The regional form of a language is called a dialect. The dialects are limited to a small area. The beauty of idioms, proverbs, folk songs, folk tales etc. can be seen in the dialect itself.
Apart from written literature, all other types of beauty are revealed through speech. Being only a prevalent oral form, it varies from place to place. In comparison, the area of language is wider.
Every language develops from dialects. When the grammar of dialects is standardized and the speakers or writers of that dialect behave properly by imitating it and that dialect becomes so capable of expressions that it can take the form of written literature, then it attains the level of language. It happens. The importance of a dialect depends on its importance in social behavior and education and literature. Many dialects together enrich a single language. Similarly a rich language enriches its dialects. Therefore, it can be said that languages and dialects enrich each other.
1- Dialects are regional forms of language
2- Literature is not composed in dialect
3- Speech is free
4- Dialects do not need grammar
The place of first language is paramount in the life of all people. The child learns the first language naturally by listening to his parents and by imitation. It is closely related to this language. Presents his soulful feelings and thoughts accurately through the first language and expresses them conveniently and easily. The place of first language is also important in getting education.
The meaning of the first language is generally considered to be the language learned by following the parents, the language that the child learns from his parents can be called the first language. The language learned from parents or family or home dialect is called mother tongue and the standard language accepted by the society is called first language. Many dialects are used in a vast country like India, such as Braj, Awadhi, Bhojpuri etc. are dialects, not languages, which are also called Brajbhasha due to confusion, in fact, it is the dialect of Braj. Because the child learns the language of the area in which he is born from home. But on coming to school one has to take education through pure ‘Khadi Hindi’ dialect. Khadi Hindi is considered as the first language because it is the socially accepted standard language. Khadi Boli is used in Hindi literature. There is a refined form of the language of the parents.
“First language” is the sophisticated form of spontaneous speech learned by imitation of parents or family members, it is the socially accepted standard language.
Usually only sophisticated language is spoken in educated families. That’s why learning the language of the parents is called the first language. The concept and meaning of first language has been done in the context of educated society.
The basic meaning of ‘first language’ is the language which is the language of the child’s mother.
The language which the child learns by imitation is called first language. Or the language a child learns in his family since birth is his first language.
The language that a child acquires from his childhood while living in his family by imitating his parents, siblings, his peers, is his first language. If the child is left at birth in a family whose language is different from that of his family. So of course he will learn the language in which he is brought up. Therefore, that language should be called mother tongue which a child learns from his environment from the very beginning. And on which he has a birthright.
The first language is also regional. This is the basis of the child’s education. Whatever be the aim of our education, the place of first language is paramount in its attainment. Knowledge of first language is essential for development. The development of education is impossible in the absence of knowledge of the first language. For this reason, understanding the importance of the first language in almost all the countries of the world today, there is a purpose of imparting education through it. The importance of (first language) can be discussed under the following headings-
- First language and physical development of students
As much as nutritious food is necessary for physical development, it is equally necessary to sleep well and be happy. (First language) proves helpful in meeting this need. Mothers soothe and lull babies by singing musical sounds (lullabies). That’s why the first language is also called the language of upbringing. In childhood, children are happy to talk in their Totli dialect. Everyone has also seen this – after the general study of the first language, when the children move towards the study of its literature, then they feel true joy.
- First language and intellectual and mental development of students
The first language has its own importance from the point of view of mental and intellectual development. The first requirement for mental development is the power of thought.
- First language and emotional development of students
Children look at the first language with great reverence like mother and motherland. That is why people who speak a first-language love each other, treat each other with sympathy, greet elders and love and help younger ones. Harmony exists between people speaking one language, it does not exist between people speaking different languages.
- Cultural development of students from the first language
Every child has a special attachment to his first language and its literature. Literature is a reflection of society. The literature written in the first language actually represents the caste, culture, civilization and customs. The history of our culture lies in the first language. Through it, we get tied in one thread with our family, caste, country and co-speakers.
- First language and social development of students
The first language gives social shape to the child. The child learns to speak, write, reason, give speech etc. in the first language itself. The more effectively he expresses his thoughts and feelings, the stronger his position in the society will be. The first language is the best credit for organizing and developing human beings as a society. The Kothari Commission has also mentioned achieving social integration as one of the many national goals.
- First language and moral and character development of students
It is well known to all that the values and thoughts of early life leave an indelible impression on children and they only build their character. The family and its members have a special hand in the moral development of children.
- Best means of imparting first language education
The first language is the best for exchange of ideas. considered a means. Therefore it is also the best means of imparting education. Therefore, it is not just a subject like the land of other subjects, but it is a basic tool, on whose study and teaching the whole education is dependent.
Hindi was given the place of national language in the Indian constitution, but the influence of English did not decrease and English is dominating. India is a multilingual country, but the number of people who read and understand Hindi is more. But regional languages or mother tongues have their own importance. Hindi is taught as a second language in non-Hindi speaking areas because they want to keep Hindi on the post of official language. All the states want to establish Hindi as the language of various activities.
Generally, each language has two conditions-
As the first mother tongue, and as the second language, a person learns many languages. There is a saying that if one person knows one language. He is like a human. If a person knows four languages. He is like four persons. Mother tongue is learned naturally. But an attempt is made to learn the second language. In which mother tongue can be helped. Mother tongue is helpful in learning a second language.
Need of Second Language Teaching
They learn the mother tongue naturally by communicating their thoughts and feelings. But second language is learned due to social and economic pressure. Only a few people try to learn a second language voluntarily. The second language is relatively more difficult from the point of view of grammar. Following are the main reasons for learning a second language-
(1) Hindi as a second language was taught in non-Hindi states due to political pressure. goes. To comply with the ‘Tribhasha Sutra’, Hindi is taught in non-Hindi states.
(2) Economic – Job, economic facilities etc.
(3) Cultural- Educated person takes cultural inspiration in Sanskrit, Greek, Latin, French etc.
(4) Administrative-high positions, special allowances or the language of the governed is learned for this reason.
(5) Political – friendly country, strong neighbor to rule by learning each other’s language.
(6) Soldiers- Soldiers working in foreign service learn other languages.
(7) Historical- There has been a tendency to learn English and Persian in India.
(8) Religious – Learning Arabic due to Islam, Greek, Latin due to Christianity, apart from social pressure, other factors play an important role in learning other languages.
Meaning of Classroom Discourse
Despite communication through signs, oral and written language is the best medium of communication among humans. The study of discourse is entirely context dependent because conversation involves situational knowledge beyond just spoken words. Sometimes, the meaning of an exchange cannot be derived from verbal utterances alone because authentic communication involves many semantic factors. Discourse can be used to refer to particular contexts of language use, and in this sense, it becomes similar to concepts such as genre or text type.
Definition of Classroom Discourse
“Language is in every way a powerful technique for controlling the behavior of individuals. There is nothing so powerful as language that psychologists can discover in their laboratories.”
Teacher’s role in classroom discourse
1- A teacher has to facilitate learning by helping, guiding and providing a conducive environment for the students to make learning easier.
2- The teacher gives knowledge and information, appropriate to the level of the students in a very clear and simple way so that they can learn and conceptualize the new information.
3- If the teacher adjusts the new knowledge with the previous knowledge of the students, then better results can be obtained in learning. Therefore, if the teacher is merely a facilitator instead of a lecturer within the classroom, then the hidden possibilities within the learners can be brought to the fore in a better way.
Due to the influence of language, a person can do things about which he had not even thought about. People’s thoughts and beliefs can be easily changed through language communication. Due to this people can be deceived, happy and can be made unhappy. Through language communication, new ideas can be generated in people, a person can be made to feel the need of those things which he does not have. Not only this, a person can also control himself through this, in every sense it is a powerful tool of universal level.
It has been seen that there can be many reasons for communication through language in individuals, such as communication for information or information. Communicates to help others, command others, make promises to others or express their thoughts. It has also been seen that communication through language is done to persuade people to behave in a particular way or to change their views. Persuasion is a common but important factor in communication. Such problems have been studied by psychologists interested in social interactions.
There are no words for new things in ordinary language. Especially for those things which are the discoveries of modern science. New words are also adopted or invented for these things, so that there is no difficulty in communication. Due to the increase of new words, the form of language is becoming huge day by day. And at the same time the obscurity and inability of language is doubling day by day. In this way the power of language is increasing day by day, and will continue to increase. If the power of languages continues to increase at this rate, then imagine what will be the power of the language after the next one thousand or two thousand years? If the development of technology continues like this, then one day we will certainly talk on the telephone and photographs will also be visible in the telephone. Even today, communication has become easier through high-tech means and its scope has increased.
One of the biggest defects of language has been seen. What makes communication difficult is the fact that people in the world speak a variety of languages, due to which many people cannot understand the thoughts of other people. It has been the dream of some great and civilized people of the world that every person should learn an international language along with his national language. Some people are of the view that it is difficult to express through language the mystical knowledge. This type of help is often given by persons who have consumed various intoxicants. These people seek language to communicate their experiences. Because they find this simple language and incomplete. Such persons often communicate their mystical thoughts through rhetoric or songs.
That form of language in which a person expresses his thoughts by speaking and another person understands it by listening. called oral language. In this, the speaker speaks his words and the listener understands his words by listening.
Importance of oral language in the Classroom
When a child comes in contact with a special environment and person and object, he gets a sense of mutual relations. By revealing signs through language, he establishes a relationship with that object, person and environment. The teacher/worker should do the following activities for the formation and development of linguistic addresses to the child and also have to understand oral expression which is a powerful medium of linguistic relation.
1- Importance of self-expression for children
The purpose of oral work is to inculcate that confidence in the children so that they can express their thoughts simply and clearly. Oral work removes the hesitation of the children and they can easily understand their meaning. Oral work gives children an opportunity to communicate effectively and interestingly. They are often seen talking about the objects or subjects in which children are interested. So in the beginning they should naturally be given an opportunity to express their views. They should get an opportunity to express their daily experiences; Not only will the clarity of expression come automatically in these children, they will also start trying to bring speed in the language.
To reach from conversation to speech, the child crosses the stairs of visualization, journey and picture description to introduce stylistic features, by enlivening the story, event and experience narration and language to solve his curiosities, to give flight to the imagination. By taking the basis of debates, discussions and explanations, the child acquires the proper ability of speech.
2- Benefits of self-confidence for children
In short, the use of oral language has the following benefits for children-
- The hesitation of the child goes away.
- Linguistic pronunciation is pure.
- Practical skill is obtained.
- The ability to explain expressions also increases.
- Written Quote – The ability to publish also increases.
- By becoming a skilled speaker, the student can influence the society and do social work.
- Students gradually develop the ability to speak continuously.
- Vocabulary can be increased by discussing the words coming at the time of expression.
- Expression can enable students to write forcefully, enthusiastically, full of life force.
All students proficient in oral composition acquire skill in written composition. Many of these talented students also become writers. Mostly the article written related to life will be full of life force.
3– Development of debate among students
Debate is also a key to the door of the child’s mind. Debates can be studied, contemplated and studied by students. The spirit of logic is also encouraged through debate. From his point of view, the child seems to be trying to keep it organized and well organized.
4- Excite the children’s assembly
Bal-Sabha should also be used to enhance the learning of the students in the classroom. Bal-Sabha generates interest in children’s education. They should be organized in the class. Organizing children’s gatherings is considered especially useful for elementary classes. Competitions of jokes, children’s songs, poems, stories etc. can be held in children’s gatherings.
5- Development of story-telling
Story-telling is also used as a learning tool in the classroom. In the class-room the teacher narrated short interesting stories which aroused interest in the students and aroused interest in them and could develop auditory learning in them.
6- Promotion of cultural program
Cultural programs can also be organized to promote learning in the classroom. In cultural programs, students get an opportunity to speak orally as well as to do different types of cultural activities; Like dance, music, acting, drama etc. When students perform such cultural programs on stage, their morale increases considerably, their pronunciation becomes stable and the impurities of pronunciation also go away. The activism of students can be increased to a great extent through cultural programs. Cultural programs also develop the qualities of leadership, tendency to work cooperatively and the ability of acting, assertiveness etc. in the students.
Language Lab software is designed to acquire language skills in an easy and interactive way. English Language Lab is based on the methodology of LSRW skills which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. These language labs are primarily an educational platform for the students to learn and understand the basics of a language in a structured manner. Digital language labs allow a student to interact, study, experiment with language skills in a practical way. This is not a theoretical based concept. The more the language the student speaks, the more he will be able to solve his doubts.
Language Lab is a network application that is used as an aid in modern language teaching. It is a technological resource in imparting language skills completely different from the traditional way of teaching. The Language Lab develops a methodology for basic language skills. It provides an easy way to take advantage of personalized attention to master the language through listening and learning method os listening and learning method in a fully computerized environment. It allows students to perfect their writing and oral abilities. It helps the students to have mastery over the language.
1- It is a tool designed for teaching any language.
2- It helps in increasing attention span of the students.
3- It removes the fear of public speaking in the students.
4- It instills confidence in the students.
1- Listening:
Students can listen to any language with their headset, without any external noise. Teaching listening involves training in the perception of phonemes, stress, intonation patterns, accents, etc. Students can imbibe language skills by listening to standard pronunciations.
2- Feedback:
Students can repeat the spoken model after the lesson and operate and evaluate them.
3- Records:
All the complex aspects of language can be picked up by comparing the voice of a direct learner and that offered by a linguist.
4- Evaluating:
Students can assess themselves by listening to their pronunciation.
5- Monitoring and Guidance:
Teachers can independently monitor each student and guide them online instantly without disturbing other students.
The Digital Language Lab provides equal opportunities for all learners to listen to the instructor and to be heard by the instructor. The headset provides learners with a psychological privacy which boosts their ability to speak. Language lab helps learners to develop good listening skills and improve the process of communication. It helps to get rid of shyness. Teachers can monitor individual students and talk with them more efficiently. Learners work through the lesson materials at a pace according to their adaptive ability. There is a private tutor for them in the language lab. As instructors are not focused on producing the next question or drill, teachers can focus more on student responses. It provides information communication technology applications in language teaching.
1- Comprehensive – They easily understand the comprehensible portions given in the database.
2- Digital Software – Since this software works digitally it saves the time of the teacher as well as the students. Anyone can study anywhere, anytime with online learning.
3– Better focus – Students get better focus as they are connected to individual systems. They can learn and revise the lessons as per their convenience.
4- Independent Learning – They can use the software at home to revise and understand the concept and clear their doubts. Some students feel shy to ask in front of the class so this provides solution for them.
5- Effective Learning – The software effectively learns LSRW skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students learn through interactive videos which makes learning more interesting.
6- Accent Training – This software provides accent training in three languages, which helps students to crack competitive exams easily.
7- Audio and Video – Text to speech facility is provided in the language lab software, where students can record their voice and listen to it.
Discussion is not a new concept. Discussions are often held in homes or on social occasions. For example- how to end the dowry system in the society. Social discussions often go on on the episode. Students also keep discussing with each other and with their elders to deal with their problems from time to time. Historically, ashrams were also centers of discussion.
Discussion makes the atmosphere of the class room alive and interesting. If the teacher keeps lecturing continuously, then the students get tired of listening to him. His position is only that of a mute spectator. On the contrary, if he uses discussion technique in teaching, then maximum students of art participate in it and express their views.
According to Good – Discussion is such a method related to a topic or problem in which learners reach a definite conclusion after their discussion. It is commonly used in socialist societies. This method is different from debate, because the person participating in it seeks to find the root cause of the problem, whereas in debate, instead of trying to find the truth, he tries to strengthen the side by argument.
According to Clarke and Starr- “There is no place in discussion for the gratification of one’s ego nor is it given to one to impose one’s views on other persons. Nor is it synonymous with lecture or exhortation. ”
In this way, the students are more active in the discussion and the teacher provides instructions to them as needed. It is a learner-centred teaching method which is accomplished under the efficient guidance of the teacher.
- Pre-Preparation
The process of discussion can be completed only in a proper environment. The more favorable the environment for discussion, the more effectively the discussion can be completed. The half-moon shaped meeting arrangement of children has been considered best for discussion. Students mainly participate in the discussions. Therefore, the teacher informs the students about the topic through the introduction and motivates them for self-study. If the students study the literature related to the problem in advance, then the discussion goes on smoothly.
- Conduct of consultations
The process of discussion can be initiated by either the teacher or the learner. If the beginning is done in an interesting way, it becomes more interesting. The introduction of the essential episode can be made from a story, incident or example. The discussion on air pollution can be started by giving the example of Bhopal gas accident.
To make the discussion purposeful, the teacher takes one side of the issue on which the students discuss openly. The teacher conducts his group and keeps on turning the stream of discussion towards a purposeful direction by asking questions in between as per the requirement.
Key Components of Negotiation Skills
1- Debates
Debate is also useful in language teaching because debate is a two-way mental process. In this, two or more students of a class try to find a proper solution to a problem or episode or controversial incident. Explaining the meaning of debate in the Education-Dictionary, it is written- “Debate is a question posed to an audience in accordance with a standardized procedure used as a form of formal training in inter-school student action or classroom comparative and public speaking. There is a formal presentation of arguments on the sides.
Following are the merits of debate-
- In this, the students have complete freedom to express their thoughts and views. Hence, it inculcates the habit of independent thinking in the students.
- It develops a sense of healthy competition among the students.
- In this, students study the subject deeply to present their views in favor or opposition of any question or problem in a strong and effective manner. This leads to intellectual development of students and develops reasoning power.
- This develops the ability to give speech in the students and this ends the hesitation of the students.
- It can be used at all levels of education but it is more useful at higher level.
The limits of debate are as follows-
- It is not economical in terms of time as students get distracted while arguing and waste time.
- It is not possible to debate on all the topics of Hindi. So it is not very practical at low level.
- The problem of discipline persists during its operation.
One continuous area of learning is thinking itself works from memory. The teaching and instructional memory level of schools and colleges remains limited to the same. It is possible at maximum level of understanding. While the instructional conditions in colleges, universities and research institutes should be such that they can encourage thinking level learning conditions. In such situations, higher cognitive abilities and capabilities are developed through human interaction. To generate such learning situations, a number of teaching and instructional models and techniques have been developed which are based on the principles of teaching-learning; Such as debates, seminars, conferences, meetings, exemplary teaching strategies, workshops, group debates and debate competitions, etc.
The following are the merits of a brainstorming session
- The cognitive and emotional higher objectives of education are achieved.
- Democratic values develop.
- The abilities of presentation and reasoning are developed.
- The use of seminars develops good learning habits. Learner starts getting absorbed in learning.
- Seminar method is learner-centered.
- Encourages independent study.
- Participation in debate and speaking skills develop.
- In the seminar the learner learns naturally.
- Critical thinking develops.
- Social and emotional qualities also develop in the learner.
- There is also an opportunity to present case-related observations and experiences.
The discussion board has the following limitations.
- Seminar cannot be organized for all the topics of a subject, because the nature of some topics is fixed; Like- credibility and validity, only those topics are selected on which debate can be held.
- This technique cannot be used at all levels of education, because the language for the seminar should have social-emotional maturity. Therefore, it is not possible to use it at the lower level, debates are held on abstract topics.
- During the debate period of the seminar, it has been seen that some persons participate and establish their authority. Some people do not speak at all or they do not get the opportunity to speak.
- There is a possibility of forming a group during the debate period of the seminar. People of opposing views are divided into one group and those of other views into another group. The result is that the participants take it as victory or defeat. In such a situation the objective of the seminar is not achieved.
Questioning is an important tool or strategy of teaching. It is the strategy where a teacher asks questions to the students to assess their level of understanding. Questioning is one such activity which helps the teacher in effective teaching.
Nature of questioning in class
In teaching and learning classrooms, teachers are constantly engaged with students while teaching a subject. Questioning and answering is one of the most important sessions conducted by a teacher in the teaching and learning process. This will test the learning ability of the students and their thoughts, ideas which are generated by asking questions. Learner’s thinking is driven by questions rather than answers, students keep their ideas alive and teachers have to constantly ask them questions. In general terms, questioning is any sentence that contains an interrogative form, although questioning in a classroom context elicits a learner’s thinking and their perspective, questioning in classrooms has more basic functions.
1- To develop interest and motivate students to be actively involved in the lessons.
2- To develop critical thinking skills.
3- Reviewing learning.
4- To encourage students to seek their own knowledge and ask their own questions.
A teacher’s questioning technique should include a balance of convergent and divergent questions. Questioning is an integral part of the teaching-learning process in the classroom. Teachers can practice and reinforce a variety of questioning techniques to motivate students and stimulate their thinking in the classroom. Questioning by teachers is one of the many interactions that take place in the classroom in the process of teaching and learning.
When asking questions, the teacher should plan the types of questions to be asked in class. Also, teachers should ask questions appropriate to the age and ability of the students in the class. Teachers are already aware of a student’s potential in the classroom. So while asking questions, teachers can ask difficult questions to bright and talented students, and easy questions to weak students. Simple questions asked of weaker students will enable them to answer the question, and it will motivate them and stimulate their thinking. Questioning in teaching and learning sessions is one of the most important aspects of mastering knowledge. Teachers should focus on questioning techniques in the teaching and learning process to promote students’ interest and interest in learning.
Asking questions is one of the most powerful tools for keeping a text flowing or starting a discussion to understand a topic. The goal of questioning in the classroom should not be to determine whether students have learned something, but rather to guide students to help them learn the necessary information and material and also to use these questions rather than simply to test students. Must be done to teach students.
1- What are you trying to find out?
2- Why does that work?
3- Is there any other way to reach it? to represent it?
4- How are these ideas related?
These types of questioning sessions in the classroom require advanced preparation, and an important aspect of classroom interaction is the way the teacher handles student responses. When a question is asked, students can either answer or give no answer, but the teacher must follow these four categories of questions:
1- Managerial – questions that keep the classroom functioning dynamic.
2- Rhetorical – questions used to emphasize a point or reinforce an idea or statement
3- Closed – questions used to test comprehension or to focus thinking on a particular point.
4- Open-ended – questions used to promote discussion or student interaction.
1- Evaluation questions
Probing questions are a type of question that directs a conversation to provide more detail about something that has been said, and teachers spend a lot of time probing students through questioning. Questions during the lesson are more effective than instruction given without questioning the students. Asking students questions helps teachers assess student learning and revise their lessons. These questions are formed on the basis of student’s response.
2- Factual question
Teachers ask questions for many reasons but factual questions require fact-based answers and factual questions have only one correct answer, which can be verified in the context of the text or other learning material. These types of factual questions require direct fact-based answers. The only way factual questions can accurately test a learner’s knowledge is if they have supporting evidence that is 100% accurate. Factual questions can simplify even complex topics by breaking them down into more digestible elements; These are simple and direct questions. From a social-cognitive perspective, question-generating is a creative activity and an essential component of student discourse. Furthermore, questions can provoke discussion and debate about alternative points of view.
3- Different questions
Asking good questions encourages interaction between teacher and student and helps in achieving various learning goals. Divergent question is a question that can generate a lot of thinking ability among the students and it is a question that does not have a specific answer, rather it exercises the child’s thinking ability in a broad way. Subjective questions will help students to broaden their horizon of thinking, and it is very important to improve their thinking skills. Divergent thinking is a valuable tool in classroom learning, but the concept did not begin with classroom learning so much as it began practice in the learner discipline of psychology.
4- Higher order questions
While higher-order thinking is an excellent way to learn new information and study, students cannot answer higher-order questions simply by simple memorization or reading information from a text. These types of questions place elevated cognitive demands on students and encourage students to think beyond literal questions. Higher-order questions promote critical thinking skills because these types of questions expect students to apply, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information rather than simply memorize facts.
5- Effective question
Many years ago, an educator named Benjamin Bloom developed a classification system to help teachers identify different levels of questioning in teaching and learning, which we refer to today as Bloom’s Taxonomy. Impactful questions encourage students to engage with their learning on a more personal level by expressing attitudes, feelings and values towards a specific topic and these questions can be used with any age group of learners from any subject area May go.
When asking questions, teachers don’t just have to seek students’ knowledge of facts and information. It is also important for the teacher to ask questions that encourage students to engage with their learning on a more emotional and personal level. By encouraging the students in this way, along with their emotional involvement, the teacher is able to provide a greater opportunity for the student to engage in different levels of learning.
6- Structure related questions
The process of questioning allows students to clarify their current understanding of a topic, make connections with the ideas of others, and become aware of what they do or do not know. Structured question is one which consists of a set of standardized with definite, precise wording and sequence specified in order to collect information from the respondents. Structured questions take many forms and can generate rich insights that provide a wide depth of structured information to be answered in a specific way and are a potential resource for both teaching and learning. On the other hand, unstructured questions are a bit more qualitative in experience. They do not require pre-determined categories and allow the respondent to express views openly.
The word explanatory is formed by using suffix in the word ‘vyakhya’. Explanation means clarifying complex ideas. When students do not understand anything the teacher says in the class, they ask the teacher about it. Teachers explain what they say, that is, they reveal it.
The texts in which any idea, concept, sequence of events, principle or intention is presented in a mysterious form and requires clarification or interpretation, such texts are called explanatory texts.
In explanatory texts, more ideas are presented briefly in a logical order, hence such texts are more informative. It is complex and hence requires analysis or interpretation. Such texts are important for the development of language skills of students and change in their interest/attitude.
In narrative or descriptive texts, imagination, emotion, entertainment and intelligibility prevail, whereas in explanatory texts, thought, logic, contemplation, contemplation and knowledge enhancement prevail. Make an important contribution in the presentation of explanatory text.
The following characteristics are found in expository texts-
(1) Synthesis
There is a synthesis of ideas in expository texts. There is depth and complexity in it, hence such texts have to be understood through interpretation and analysis. Mental powers get adequate exercise by reading such texts. Explanatory texts are a storehouse of enlightenment for students, teachers and citizens.
(2) Lack of continuity, fluidity
The level of continuity and fluidity that exists in narrative texts is rarely available in expository texts. In expository texts, ideas are confused and thoughts do not have the fluidity of emotions.
(3) Predominance of contemplation
The topics of explanatory texts are related to the nature of knowledge, hence the powers of thinking are used more in these texts.
(4) Use of technical and technical terms
Such texts often contain technical, technical or difficult words which are missing in narrative texts. Therefore, while reading explanatory texts, it becomes necessary to understand the meaning of difficult words.
(5) brevity
Expository texts contain more ideas in a nutshell. Their elaboration requires interpretation. The skill of speaking concisely can be learned by students from such texts.
(6) Wide range of ideas, classification
A comprehensive description or classification of the subject on which there are explanatory texts and at some places the use of statistics is also available in such texts.
(7) Abundance of science, engineering, technology
Explanatory texts are found more in science, engineering and technology because the language of these subject groups is explanatory, synthetic and concise.
Narrative text is a type of text that tells a story or describes a sequence of events. The purpose of a narrative text is to entertain or inform the reader by presenting a series of events in a coherent and engaging way. In narrative or descriptive texts, imagination, emotion, entertainment and intelligibility predominate.
What are the characteristics of narrative text?
- Using the past tense
Descriptive texts often contain past tense because they usually describe events or stories that have already happened.
Using past tense helps to create a sense of time and sequence, which enables the reader to follow the plot and understand the progression of events.
Additionally, writing in the past tense provides context and shows a clear connection between actions and their consequences, helping the reader enter the story and understand what the characters are going through.
- Using adverbs of time
Narrative texts often use adverbs of time to provide a clear structure and a sense of progression to the story.
These expressions of time help the reader understand when events are occurring, how they relate to each other, and the overall flow of the narrative.
By providing a context for the sequence of events, adverbs of time make the reading experience more lively and engaging.
They enable the reader to follow the plot more easily and become immersed in the story, as they can imagine events occurring within a specific time frame.
- Use of adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, or, simply put, adjectives are words that tell more information about a noun such as its color, shape, size, characteristics, etc.
In narrative text, adjectives help in creating a more detailed and lively story.
- Use of noun phrases
A noun phrase is a group of words that includes a noun plus any modifiers, such as adjectives, adverbs, or other nouns that provide more information about the main noun. Noun phrases help create detailed and vivid description in stories.
In narrative texts, noun phrases can be used to give more detailed description, highlight parts of a character or setting, or briefly explain complex ideas.
There are many types of narrative texts, such as:
(1) imaginary story
Fiction is a story that is not based on real events or real people. It could be a novel, short story, fable or fairy tale.
(2) Autobiography
Autobiography is a narrative text that tells the author’s life story, written from a first-person perspective.
(3) Biography
Biography is a narrative text that tells the life story of someone other than the author, written from the third-person point of view.
(4) History
A memoir is a narrative text that focuses on a particular period or event in the author’s life, often written from a first-person perspective.
Transactional writing is a collective term for non-fiction writing styles that aim to communicate with others for a specific purpose.
The purpose of transactional text is usually to convey information and ideas to a person through text. The purpose of this information will fall into one of four main categories
(1) to persuade
Persuasive text is often used in advertising to persuade someone to buy a product or service. Transactional text intended to persuade is usually meant to tell a person why a product or service is so good and how it can make their life better. They may include customer testimonials or pushy language, such as limited-time offers to get people to take a risk and make a purchase. Persuasive transactional writing can also be set out to influence a person’s opinion on a particular issue – it is often used in politics to persuade and persuade people to vote a certain way.
(2) to argue
Transactional texts that argue to make a point often take the form of a review or political flyer. A reviewer may advance what has been said about a book or movie and try to convince you that their viewpoint is valid by arguing their point with evidence. The language of argument can also be used in literature and posters for or against political ideas or policies. Argumentative language can also be found in speeches, such as debates.
(3) to inform
Informative transactional texts give you the facts about something. It could be to entertain or educate someone. Examples of informational texts include leaflets about services and products, newspapers and magazine articles. Informational transactional writing also includes things like letters and emails that you can send to friends, updating them on what you’re up to or letting them know important information. A birthday party invitation is an informational text – it gives you all the information you need to attend the event. Giving directions or writing about someone’s life are both informational – providing the reader with facts to work with.
(4) To give advice
Advisory transactional texts give the reader the knowledge needed to make a decision on something. Advisory texts offer different options and are generally more balanced than motivational texts. They do a lot of research to give the reader all the information they need to make their own decision on something. An example might be writing a magazine article on the best ways to get to school – you could point out the advantages and disadvantages of a few different methods and give an opinion on which one suits you best but ultimately, it depends. That leaves the reader to decide.
Transaction records can be presented in a variety of ways. They may be in the form of written letters or emails, speeches or leaflets. You can find transactional text in newspapers and magazines. It may also take the form of a review, for example a review of a book or film.
Examples of transactional text
friendly and official letters;
diary/journal entry;
Procedures (instructions and rules);
Advertisement posters and notices
The definition of reflective text is a form of writing where a person interprets and evaluates experiences from his or her own perspective. Such writing can be either formal or informal, written based on personal feelings and experiences.
Generally, reflective writing plays a role in connecting theory and practical aspect based on personal perspective. It involves describing, analyzing, questioning, interpreting, evaluating, and applying the learned experience to the future.
Reflective reading is often used as a response to what has been read or to gain knowledge from a specific event, piece of literature, or text presented. It can be used to set out main points or create new ideas about a topic. Reflective writing is a key strategy that can help improve writing by making ideas more developed and precise, as well as enhancing critical thinking.
What should reflective writing include?
Reflective writing is an art that must be mastered. Reflective writing should include a description of an event or topic, personal experiences and thoughts related to the event/topic, and connections between personal experiences and the actual event/topic. All this should be done from an analytical point of view.
Why is reflective writing important?
There are several important aspects of reflective writing. Some of these include supporting learning and personal development, building reflective skills such as critical thinking, bridging the gap between theory and practical and finally, making one’s ideas accurate and more developed.
(1) contemplation
The writer considers the issue (that is, the topic they are writing about) and considers how his or her own experience and viewpoints might influence his or her response. This helps the writer learn about themselves as well as contribute to a better final product that considers biases.
(2) Evidence
The author considers and cites a variety of viewpoints and evidence to provide a truly comprehensive reflection. “Evidence” can mean academic evidence or the author’s own reflections and experiences, depending on whether the reflection piece is personal or academic.
(3) clarity
The writer must be clear and cohesive. Since reflective writing exposes the reader to the author’s own thoughts and sometimes to other outside perspectives, unity and readability are important to ensure that the reader does not get lost between viewpoints.
(4) principle
An academic reflection will integrate theories and other academic work to explain the reflection. For example, a writer might say: “Smith’s theory of social engagement can explain why I reacted this way.”
(5) Learning outcomes
An academic reflection would include comments on how the author learned from the experience, what they might have done differently, or how their perspectives or opinions have changed as a result of the experience.
Strategies of Writing for Children
We should pay special attention to this that psychological method should be used in teaching writing to children. Generally in schools the letters of the alphabet are written before the children. Then words and after them sentences. According to the psychologist, this system is faulty and causes difficulties to the child. When a child comes to school, he knows how to speak in short sentences. Different letters of the alphabet are meaningless and meaningless for him. They have no meaning in themselves. When combined together they come in the form of words or sentences. Only then do they become meaningful. That is, they have meaning. Therefore, on the basis of the experiments conducted by educationists in this subject, children should be taught only meaningful words or sentences first.
To inspire children to write well, it would be good if the child himself decides about his handwriting. The teacher should present to the children several types of handwriting samples written by them and with their help select the most beautiful, the worst and some articles in the middle categories. Then in which category does each child’s article fall? It should be seen that in this way the children will themselves know about their article and the teacher will also be able to know how their progress is. Has there been any improvement in the article of a certain child or is it the same? Or something has already gone wrong. This will inspire the children to make their writing more beautiful and the teacher will also be able to do research regarding those children whose writing has not improved. Or those who have already started writing poorly.
Learning a language is about forming a habit. According to the famous language expert Palmer Herold – “Language learning is a process of habituation.” Language comes through continuous practice. The more practice students have in listening, reading and writing, the more they will know about the language. Before entering the first class at the primary level, the child will have some knowledge of all four linguistic skills. They definitely have knowledge. Children are often seen talking about the things or subjects in which they are interested. Therefore, in the beginning, they get the opportunity to express their thoughts naturally. Teaching both oral work and speaking, writing It is the best means of teaching. If a child can express his thoughts well in conversation, he can also take notes and write fluently.
Summary writing means proper guidance of the student so that while working under the guidance of the teacher in the class, he can become familiar with the efficient methods of self-study and can gain mastery over them and use them efficiently.
How to make a summary of the lesson?
The teacher presents the subject matter and makes the students write a summary of the lesson. Students note down each and every word of it in their notebooks. When children write the summary. And keep your copies aside; Then the teacher gets up from his chair and explains the summary. Gives detailed description, explains subtle points, gives examples and gives reality to the entire situation. The teacher has complete knowledge of the subject matter. Explains the subject matter in an entertaining manner and has an effective tone. After explanation he is able to sit again.
Now the children then write a summary of the lesson and the teacher explains it. In a cycle, students write summaries two or three times and the teacher clarifies them. This was the work of the first day. Questions are asked in the first part of the next day cycle. Every student comes to the teacher’s desk when called; He gives his light book to the teacher and stands facing the front of the class. The student’s teacher inspects his light book or copy.
The teacher tries to see to what extent the students have remembered the facts and how much they have understood. More emphasis is given on the child’s comprehension rather than his memory power. The teacher spends most of his time in finding out what the child is saying. Is he even able to understand him? Students cannot save themselves by rambling or making vague statements. They have to give clear and factual answers. They should have full capacity to explain the subject matter. The teacher calls only two or three students for this work and the whole class participates in this discussion very readily.
The main objective of a report in the context of a topic or event is to organize a detailed subject matter in a concise form in such a way that the correct information related to the topic can be immediately revealed.
What is the format of report writing?
The format of a report article specifies the structure of a departmental constitution that provides information on a particular topic or issue. The format generally includes several components that must be included in the report to present specific topics in a cohesive and structured format.
1, title page
This includes the title of the report, name of the author, date of submission and other content information.
2, content
Content related to the primary plugins and subsections of the content report are listed along with their respective databases.
3, introduction
Background information on the topic or issue is provided, the purpose and principles of the report are described, and the methodology used is identified.
4, main part
This is where most information is presented, usually divided into several sections and sub-sections. The main body may include data, analysis, and discussion of the topic or issue.
5, Extractor
This report summarizes the primary searches and presents a summary of the artists and performers.
6, reference
This applicant reports a particular citation style such as APA, Society, or Chicago that lists resources in the report.
7, appendix
This includes any additional content such as charts, tables, graphs or other supporting data.
Necessary process of report writing
Report writing requires protocol planning, organization, and analysis to ensure that the report effectively communicates the message to the audience. Here are the general steps involved in the reporting process:
1, plan and prepare
- Identify the purpose of the report, target audience and logo of the report.
- Collect and examine data from various resources involved in a research study, survey or interview.
- An opinion of the report including title and subtitle.
2, introduction
- Start by outlining the report and its purpose.
- Provide background information and context for the report.
- Explain research methodology and approach.
3, main part
- Divide the report into sections, each with a clear title.
- Present research findings and analysis in clear and convincing ways.
- Present data and information using visual aids.
- Use language that is clear.
- All resources in the report are cited according to the specified naming style.
- Conclusion
- Summarize the main findings and conclusions of the report.
- Objective of the report Company’s passport and how it was achieved.
- Provide recommendations or suggestions for further action, if applicable.
Understand the different types of reports you can choose from and structure to effectively communicate personal information and gain traction with your followers. However, the type of report used depends on the purpose, audience, and context of the report.
1, informative report
This report provides information about a topic, such as a product, service, or process.
2, analytical report
In this report, data or information is presented in a structured and secure manner with frequent charts, graphs or figures to help readers understand trends, patterns or shapes.
3, official report
These are detailed and structured reports written for a specific audience, often with a specific purpose. Compared to informal reports, informal reports are generally longer and more complex than other types of reports.
4, progress report
This report offers a preliminary proposal for a project or project, detailing progress and any challenges or obstacles encountered.
5, technical report
This report provides technical information, such as specifications, design, or performance data, often targeted at a technical audience.
6, research report
This report presents the findings of research conducted on a particular topic or issue, often involving literature review, data analysis, and conclusions.
7, prototype report
A concept report assesses the likelihood of achieving success for a suggested project or initiative.
8, business report
These reports use information about a company’s performance, operations or sales to provide information for a business setting. Different types of business reports include financial statements, marketing reports, and annual reports.
Features/Importance of Report Writing
There are several key characteristics of effective report writing that can help ensure that the information presented is clear, effective, and useful. Some of these businesses include:
(1) clarity
The report should be written in clear and attractive language, avoiding jargon or technical terms that may confuse readers.
(2) Objectivity
A report should be objective, that is, it should be free from specificity or personal opinion. This is especially important when presenting data or analysis.
(3) reliable data
The report should be based on reliable unemployment and vacancies. Information should be verified and cross-checked to ensure that it is correct and up-to-date.
(4) structure
A report should be structured according to principles and methods with clear headings, subheadings and sections.
(5) Visual aids
A report may include visual aids, such as charts, tables, and graphs, which can help illustrate key points and make the information easier to understand.
(6) Hint
The report should include clues to support any claims or conclusions, such as figures, quotes, or references to literature.
(7) Recommendations
Many reports include conclusions or analyzes presented as a basis for future action.
(8) Identification of areas of problems
By studying the report, managers get information about what are the areas of problems i.e. in which areas there are problems.
(9) Helpful in solving problems
The information that managers get from reports helps in solving problems.
(10) Helpful in decision making
The purpose of the report is to provide the best information to the managers so that they can reach the right decision. Reports play an important role in making good decisions.
The purpose of the report is to study a subject completely, collect all the facts and information, examine and scrutinize them, draw appropriate conclusions and present suggestions regarding that investigation in a scientific manner. Through reports, readers are provided with complete information on all aspects related to a topic at one place. There are generally three main objectives of the report-
- Providing complete information on any subject at one place,
- If ever the need arises in future, that report should be used for reference, and
- To provide necessary information on any subject to managers, shareholders, customers, public etc.
Principles of selection of text books
A textbook is a comprehensive written work that is used as the primary source of information in a particular subject or course of study. Textbooks are written by experts in the field and are commonly used in schools, colleges and universities to provide basic knowledge and understanding of a subject to students. They cover key topics, theories, and concepts and often include examples, pictures, and problems to help students understand and apply the information presented. Textbooks are designed to be used as a resource for students and usually accompany lectures, assignments, and examinations.
Textbook evaluation helps in improving the quality of educational material by ensuring the accuracy, currency and relevance of the content. Textbook evaluation is an important part of the educational process as it helps in ensuring the content presented in textbooks. It also ensures that textbooks are consistent with curriculum goals and meet the needs and abilities of students. Through evaluation, deficiencies in the content can be identified and addressed, leading to the creation of more comprehensive and effective teaching materials. Overall, textbook evaluation plays an important role in promoting student success and preparing them for the future. While selecting text books, we have to keep some important things in mind, based on which text books can be selected in a better way, which is very useful for us.
(1) Appropriate content
- The content of the text book should be suitable for the mental level of the students. The content related to students’ environment should be contained in the text book.
- The subject material should be related to Indian culture, life and civilization.
- The study material should contain all those facts whose knowledge is necessary for the children of a particular class to know.
- The subject material should provide information and be suitable for practical use of the students.
- Along with variety in the curriculum, hard work is also necessary.
- There must be topics of morality in the study material.
(2) Language and terminology
- Books for small children should be written in simple and clear language. Books for older children should also be like this.
- Vocabulary in the text book should be selected carefully. The vocabulary of text books used in primary classes should be limited.
- The terminology should be such that it can be read quickly.
(3) Printing
- Black, dark and shining ink should be used for printing.
- The printed lines should be at sufficient distance from each other.
- There should be sufficient space around each page.
(4) Attractive cover page
The cover page of the book must be attractive which reflects the quality of a better book. Attractive cover page should be attractive along with the title of the book in such a way that it reflects the content of the entire book.
(5) Useful text
Books should be selected considering their usefulness. According to the intellectual, social, emotional and physical development of the child, his interests and needs keep changing.
Therefore, useful books should be selected for the child. The content of the textbook should be as useful as possible for the students, which will help them in their studies and free them from doubts. Text books can also provide professional guidance and counseling to the students in their future, which will be most useful for the children.
(6) Validity and reliability
The validity of any text book depends on the criteria of that text book. The book has credibility. Correctness of statement and truthfulness of facts means that the content of the text book should be true and logically correct. It can make the teacher understand and present the gist of the text book to the students. Apart from this, errors related to grammar etc. also raise questions on the credibility of the text book.
(7) completeness
Any type of text book will be useful for the students only then it will be considered complete i.e. help the students from exam point of view. The completeness of the topics in the text book will lead to cognitive development of the students. Thus, the elements of the text book should not be ambiguous nor should they be incomplete.
(8) serialization
In the text book, the subject matter and topics should be kept in a systematic manner so that the students do not face any difficulty in connecting the previous knowledge with the new knowledge and the development and dissemination of knowledge can happen in the same sequence. Having prior knowledge will strengthen the base knowledge.
Principles of course selection
The curriculum is always selected on the basis of educational objectives. After selecting the course, it is categorized so that the access objectives can be easily fulfilled. The curriculum which does not meet the educational objectives is not considered appropriate.
While selecting the curriculum, the curriculum maker also faces some problems, such as individual differences, the nature and structure of the student population in the present and near future, the present and future needs of the students, the need for maximum production capacity for poverty alleviation, Development of democratic citizenship and its need, limitations related to utility or information provided, limitations related to the nature and structure of the subject, limitations related to the development of students at every level and their capabilities. Therefore, many facts have to be kept in mind while choosing the course.
(1) Principle of totality of experiences
It is important to understand that curriculum does not merely indicate the academic subjects traditionally taught in schools and colleges. It also includes the totality of experiences gained by a student through a number of curricular, extra-curricular and co-scholastic activities.
(2) Principle of child-centricity
Rather than sticking to a predetermined curriculum, instructors should consider the child’s concerns, objectives, and needs when developing the curriculum. Furthermore, while planning any curricular activities, teachers should consider ways to enrich the interests of the learners.
(3) Principle of conservation and creativity
When developing a curriculum it is essential to include topics and experiences that will help in the preservation of cultural heritage. Furthermore, one of the most essential principles of curriculum development is that curriculum cannot be static.
On the contrary, it should be amended as necessary to suit changing global educational trends and the needs of students.
(4) Principle of integration
The curriculum should be planned in such a way that different subjects can be integrated at different stages of education. Similarly, students should be able to integrate existing topics with other topics in addition to being able to make correlations with the content.
(5) Principle of flexibility
One of the ideal qualities that a curriculum should have is flexibility and dynamism, as this will be helpful in meeting the needs and concerns of individuals and society. Furthermore, timely changes and appropriate modifications in the curriculum allow teachers and learners to stay updated with the academic goals.
(6) Principle of utility
The principle of utility should be followed in curriculum development, according to which teachers should include such material which is useful for the individual and the society. Furthermore, the curriculum should include rich and valuable content that will be useful later in life.
(7) Theory of character building
The curriculum does not aim to educate learners through bookish knowledge alone. It should also encourage development of character and personality in students. Therefore, the curriculum should aid in character training of students throughout the academic years.
(8) Principle of mental discipline
An important function of the curriculum is to promote various mental abilities or powers of the learners through cognitive training and practice.
(9) Principle of social fulfillment
Education aims to provide holistic development of students through comprehensive learning styles and content. Furthermore, consideration should also be given to adding the element of social life to the curriculum so that learners can gain knowledge about becoming responsible citizens.
- Communication means sending any information or message from one person to another.
- Communication has utmost importance in the areas of our life like education, educational, business, administrative and social etc.
Elements of communication system
(1) Subject matter
- What is to be communicated is a specific content. Like orders, decisions, information, data etc.
(2) Method of communication
- There are many methods of communication. Like, by writing, speaking, listening, through body language.
(3) communication process
- It includes all the necessary parts from the source of the message till the message reaches it. Like correspondent, dialogue, medium, communication receiver etc.
(1) Progressive process
- Communication is considered to be an exchange of ideas which continues continuously.
(2) Communication skills
- Communication is a type of skill which is of four types.
- Listening skills, playing skills, writing skills, reading skills.
(3) two-way messenger
- Effective communication is considered a two-way street.
(4) Gestures
- Communication can also be conducted through signals. It is not necessary that communication should always be oral or written.
Note- Decoder is the one in the communication process who is the recipient of the message.
Note- Encoder is the one in the communication process who sends the message.
Classification of communication on the basis of relationships
- Impersonal communication is known as self-talk, self-thinking, introspection.
- In this the message sender and message receiver are the same person.
- It is an automatic communication process.
- This includes meditating, contemplating, praying to the deity, etc.
(2) Interpersonal Communication
- Impersonal communication refers to the direct or indirect exchange of thoughts, feelings and information between two people.
- In this it is necessary to have contact between two persons.
- Group communication is the exchange of ideas and skills between more than two people.
- It includes collective decision making, self-expression, increase in personal influence etc.
- Where communication takes place with a large group of people.
- It is also called mediated communication. Due to which many messages can be delivered to many people simultaneously.
- Examples of mass communication are newspapers, television, radio, cinema halls, internet etc.
Types of communication based on channel
- In this, words are used which can be either written or spoken.
- In this, ideas and information are exchanged orally through speech.
- In oral communication both the sender and the receiver remain face to face.
- It includes direct conversation, conversation through telephone, speech, group discussion, radio, TV etc.
- In this, communication takes place in written form which can be both printed or handwritten.
- Its form is not oral but written like email, letter, report and memorandum etc.
- Nonverbal communication is expressed without words.
- This includes body posture, facial expression, touch, proximity, attire, speech signals etc.
Types of communication based on purpose and style
- In formal communication certain rules and regulations are followed.
- It requires correct language and correct pronunciation.
- These communications are reliable in which orders and instructions are more reliable.
- Formal communication is a permanent record in which letters, reports etc. are kept which helps in taking decisions in future.
- This communication is the exact opposite of formal communication.
- No person or institution is possible without informal communication.
- Informal communication is used in common conversation.
1) Necessary for education and classroom instruction
2) For smooth functioning of the group
3) As inspiration and morale
4) Function of behavior control
5) Helpful in enhancing cultural values
6) Helpful in social and national unity
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