Gender school and society

Gender school and society indeed plays a vital role in the development of a country and society. Gender school and society are interconnected in many ways. Schools are a reflection of society, and the attitudes, values and beliefs of society are often reflected in the educational system. Gender is an important aspect of social identity that affects the way people think, behave and interact with others. Thus, gender roles and stereotypes are often reinforced in schools, which can have a significant impact on students’ experiences and outcomes.

Note: Almost all the topics of the B.Ed. programme have been described in detail on our website; this analysis is available to you in both Hindi and English, for which you can go to the menu and select the B.Ed. programme.

Concept of Gender

Gender is a social and cultural construct that distinguishes differences in characteristics of men and women, girls and boys, and refers to the roles and responsibilities of men and women accordingly. Therefore, gender-based roles and other characteristics vary over time and with different cultural contexts. The concept of gender includes expectations about the characteristics, attitudes, and possible behaviors of both women and men (femininity and masculinity). This concept is useful in analyzing how commonly shared practices legitimize discrepancies between the sexes.

Gender identity – male, female, a mix of both, or the internal concept of oneself as neither – how individuals understand themselves and what they call themselves. One’s gender identity may be the same or different from the sex assigned at birth.

Gender refers to the socially constructed characteristics of women, men, girls and boys. It includes the norms, behaviors and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time.

Gender Inequality

Gender inequality refers to discrimination against women on the basis of gender. Traditionally, women have been seen as a weaker section in the society. They suffer exploitation, humiliation and discrimination both at home and in society. Discrimination against women is prevalent everywhere in the world. India ranked 127th among 146 countries in the Global Gender Gap Index- 2023. From this it can be clearly understood how strong and deep are the roots of gender discrimination in our country. Gender inequality arises between society and family.

Different areas of Gender Inequality

1- In the social sector

In Indian society, women are generally considered suitable only for domestic work. The main work of women at home is limited to arranging food and raising children. It is often seen that women do not have any role in the decisions taken at home. The minimum number of women in various social organizations related to women’s issues also reflects the severe form of gender inequality.

2- In the economic field

There is a difference in the remuneration of men and women working in the economic sector. In the industrial sector, women are often paid less than men. Not only this, men are also given priority in employment opportunities.

3- In the political field

All political parties, being democratic, claim equality but they neither give tickets to women as candidates in elections nor appoint them to key posts in the party.

4- In the field of science

When we pay attention to the scientific community, we find that even in this community based on the ideology of progressivism, gender inequality is clearly present. Women either find it difficult to enter the scientific community or are assigned to less important projects. It is an irony that we remember the late A., famously known as Missile Man. You are familiar with P.J. Abdul Kalam but not familiar with the name of Missile Woman of India Tessie Thomas.

5- In the entertainment sector

Actresses in the field of entertainment also have to suffer from this discrimination. Often actresses are not considered lead characters in films and they also get less remuneration than actors.

6- In the sports field

Female players get less prize money in sports than male players. Be it wrestling or cricket, there is discrimination in every sport. Additionally, men’s sports are telecasted more than women’s sports.

due to gender inequality

We are proud to be 21st century Indians who celebrate when a son is born and become quiet if a daughter is born, so much so that a rule has been made not to celebrate. There is so much love for boys that in the desire for the birth of boys, we have been killing girls at the time of birth or even before birth since ancient times, if fortunately they are not killed, then we find many ways to discriminate against them throughout life. Let’s take.

  1. Unequal access to education

Worldwide, women’s access to education is still less than that of men. ¼ of young women aged 15-24 will not complete primary school. That group accounts for 58% of those who are not completing basic education. ⅔ of all illiterate people in the world are women. When girls are not educated at the same level as boys, it has a huge impact on their future and the opportunities they get.

  1. Lack of employment equality

Only 6 countries in the world give women equal legal work rights as men. In fact, most economies give women equal rights as men. Studies show that if employment becomes a level playing field, it has a positive impact on other sectors plagued by gender inequality.

  1. Lack of adequate share in job

One reason for gender inequality within employment is the division of jobs. In most societies, there is an underlying belief that men are better equipped to handle certain tasks. Most of the time, these are the jobs that pay the best. As a result of this discrimination, women’s income reduces. Women also bear primary responsibility for unpaid labor, so even though they participate in the paid workforce, they have additional work that is never financially recognized.

  1. Lack of legal protection

According to World Bank research, more than one billion women do not have legal protection against domestic sexual violence or domestic economic violence. Both have a significant impact on women’s ability to move forward and live independently. In many countries, there is also a lack of legal protection against harassment in the workplace, school and public places. These spaces become unsafe and without safety, women often have to make decisions that compromise and limit their goals.

  1. Lack of physical autonomy

Many women around the world have no rights over their own bodies or over parenthood. Access to birth control is often very difficult. According to the World Health Organization, more than 200 million women who do not want to become pregnant are not using contraception. There are many reasons for this such as lack of options, limited access and cultural/religious opposition. Globally, about 40% of pregnancies are not planned and while 50% of them end in abortion, 38% result in live birth. These mothers often lose their independence and become economically dependent on another person or the state.

  1. Poor medical care

In addition to limited access to contraception, women overall receive lower quality medical care than men. This is linked to other causes of gender inequality, such as lack of education and job opportunities, resulting in more women in poverty. They are less likely to be able to afford good health care. There is also less research on diseases that affect women more than men, such as autoimmune disorders and chronic pain conditions. Many women also experience discrimination and dismissal from their doctors, increasing the gender gap in health care quality.

  1. Lack of religious freedom

When religious freedom is attacked, women suffer the most. According to the World Economic Forum, gender inequality becomes worse when extremist ideologies (such as ISIS) come into a community and restrict religious freedom. In a study conducted by Georgetown University and Brigham Young University, researchers were also able to link religious intolerance to women’s ability to participate in the economy. When there is more religious freedom, the economy becomes more stable because of women’s participation.

  1. Lack of political representation

At the beginning of 2019, only 24.3% of seats in all national parliaments were filled by women. As of June of 2019, 11 heads of state were women. Despite progress in this area over the years, women’s representation in government and the political process is still very low. This means that some of the issues that female politicians raise – such as parental leave and child care, pensions, gender equality laws and gender-based violence – are often neglected.

  1. Casteism

It would be impossible to talk about gender inequality without talking about racism. This affects what jobs women of color are able to get and how much they are paid, as well as how they are viewed by the legal and health care systems. Gender inequality and racism have long been closely linked. According to Sally Kitch, a professor and author, European settlers in Virginia decided what work could be taxed based on the race of the woman working. The work of African women was “labor” so it was taxable, while the work done by English women was “domestic” and not taxable. The pay gap between white women and women of color continues the legacy of discrimination and contributes to gender inequality.

  1. Social mindset

This is less obvious than some of the other reasons on this list, but the overall mindset of society has a significant impact on gender inequality. How society determines the difference and value of men versus women plays an important role in every area, whether it is employment or the legal system or health care. Beliefs about gender run deep and even though progress can be made through laws and structural changes, major change is often followed by a backlash. It is common for all (men and women) to ignore other areas of gender inequality, such as better representation of women in leadership, when progress is being made. These types of mindsets perpetuate gender inequality and delay significant change.

Gender Roles in Society

Gender roles in society mean how we are expected to act, speak, dress, groom and behave based on our assigned gender. Gender roles are the product of socialization, or the method by which children learn what behaviors are considered appropriate in society. Children are socialized by agents or institutions that influence people to follow certain social norms, such as family members, peers, religion, teachers, language, and media.

Gender roles are how men and women are supposed to act. Gender roles are based on understandings of femininity and masculinity.

Women’s gender roles revolve around characteristics such as helpfulness, passivity, and kindness. Traditionally, women are seen as caregivers, nurturers, homemakers and helpers. Men’s gender roles revolve around characteristics such as dominance, assertiveness, and strength. Traditionally, men’s gender roles include breadwinner, leader, and protector.

Role of various agencies in establishing gender equality in the society

Various types of agencies play an important role in establishing gender equality in the society. We will mainly highlight the roles of family, caste, religion, culture, media and popular culture, law and state.

(1) family

Home or family is the primary agency for educating girls. Family is considered the primary foundation of education. Without going to school, boys and girls learn speaking, language knowledge and good conduct by staying in their families. But Indian families do not show as much interest and readiness in educating girls in schools outside the country as boys do. This is the reason why literacy and education of boys is more than literacy and education of girls. In some families, even after girls are enrolled in school, they are burdened with so much household work that they are unable to attend school regularly. Many girls stop reading and writing because of this. Illiterate or uneducated parents in the family also affect the education of their daughters. In many poor Scheduled Tribe (Tribal) and Scheduled Caste families, girls are not able to get education even at primary secondary level, leave alone higher education.

Educationist Pestalozzi has called family the first school. Mageni says, “The child learns the first lessons of citizenship from the kiss of the mother and the protection of the father.”

Some families treat boys and girls discriminately due to gender differences. As a result, boys often become unruly and girls become slaves. This stereotypical feeling should be changed because men and women have equal rights in independent India.

(2) caste

Sociologist Cooley has written, when any class is completely based on inheritance then it is called caste. The specialty of unity and following caste rules is found in caste, hence it has a deep impact on the families and people of the caste. In castes where there is no awareness about girls’ education, their girls often remain uneducated. People of some castes believe that it is useless to educate girls because they are not required to do any job and it is someone else’s money which will go to someone else’s house after marriage. Due to child marriage, burqa system, veil system, purdah system, people of many castes do not like to educate their daughters. In Muslim families, girls generally receive less education in schools and colleges. In many places, the percentage of girls’ education among tribals and scheduled castes has been found to be less than five percent.

(3) Religion

Most of the people in the world believe in some religion or the other. The centers of religion provide general education and conduct along with religious education. There are many schools associated with churches, primary education is also given in Muslim mosques etc., Buddhist monasteries are centers of education. Religion determines the way of life of the followers of the religion and hence it strongly influences the thinking and behavior of the religious sect. The influence of religion on education is very effective. Generally no religion is against education. Till some time ago, there was opposition to girls’ education in Afghanistan, which now has little impact.

Believers of religions behave under the influence of religious books, religious gurus and preachers, hence efforts should be made to encourage women’s education of all religions so that gender equality education can be maintained in the context of the demands of the twenty-first century.

(4) culture

Culture is a collection of values and good values. Generally, the beliefs, ideals, behavior, arts, customs, ways of eating, drinking, sitting, speaking and behaving etc. of a particular group, a particular country, a particular caste are included in culture.

Education and culture are inextricably related to each other. In this regard, Brameld has written, “Education is directly created from the content of culture and this content not only provides education with its own tools but also the reason for its existence.”

The form of education is determined on the basis of culture. For example, in the Indian education system, the importance of teacher or guru, teaching methods, and determination of curriculum have the imprint of Indian culture. Educational objectives are also determined on the basis of culture.

The limited system of education of girls/women is reflected in the Vedic culture and Buddhist culture, but there was a lack of public education even in that era. This influence has become stronger during the Muslim period. This cultural attack took place due to the advent of purdah system and child marriage system in Indian culture. Now in post-independence India, steps are being taken towards women’s education and a target has been set to bring gender equality in education, under which efforts are being made for equality of educational opportunities. This will bring cultural change in Indian culture.

(5) Media and popular culture

Media and popular culture (airwaves, television, newspapers, films, film songs, internet etc.) are powerful mediums of informal education. Education is given formally in schools, but media and popular culture educate people informally. Popular culture is popular among the public, hence it can have a deep educational impact on most of the public. If popular culture and media – campaigns to increase the number of registered children, awareness of girls’ education, information about various courses of higher education among girls and opportunities for employment in them, literacy among adult (15 to 35 years of age) illiterate women. TV on benefits etc. If serials, news, advertisements, discussions etc. are published and broadcast, positive steps can be taken towards the education of girls and women. The government should also publicize various schemes for women education through the media. Media can make efforts to bring its roles in the field of education before the public through informative female characters, female educationists, interviews of talented girl students, efforts of non-governmental organizations involved in educational efforts, telecast of educational school courses, etc.

(6) law

Laws or acts have a strong role in the field of education. The acts made by the government related to education have a wide impact on the education of the country. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act 2009, enacted by the Central Government, provides compulsory education up to class 8 to boys and girls aged six to fourteen years without paying any fee, and is effective on the entire country except the state of Jammu and Kashmir. If laws like reservation in higher education for women, reservation for women in jobs obtained due to education etc. are passed, then they will be successful to a great extent in removing education inequality.

(7) State

The role of the state is most important and influential. In the efforts for gender equality, steps can be taken to take more effective steps for the education of gender equality through the education policy of the state, promotion of education of the state, opening of new girls’ schools and colleges, restructuring of curriculum useful for women, formation of education commissions and committees. Can.

In the areas of education where women’s entry is less, such as medical education, engineering, aeronautics and tourism, technology, information technology, journalism, film production and direction, fashion technology, space science, teaching-education etc., the state and government Efforts are helpful in reducing gender inequality.

Girls education promotion schemes should also be implemented by the state and governments like cycle supply scheme, mid-day meal scheme, awards to meritorious girl students, supply of uniforms and stationery and text books, free accommodation, food etc. for the girls studying in girls’ ashrams and hostels. Welfare schemes to achieve the goal of gender equality education are run by the state.

meaning of gender bias

Gender bias is when a person or society is prejudiced and makes differences based on gender. Discrimination that is done due to preconceived notions is gender bias. This discrimination is based on preconceived ideas, notions, misconceptions, etc., without any rationality.

due to gender bias

Following are the reasons for gender bias-

(1) Ancient beliefs

It is said in Atharva Veda that a woman should be subordinate to her father in childhood, husband in youth and son in old age. Even in Muslim society, women have always been kept under the control of husband and son. They do not even have the right to perform their religious pilgrimage of Hajj without men of any blood relation. Due to such ancient beliefs, women are considered inferior to men. A woman also needs the support of a man because of these beliefs. In India, a son is also required to perform the last rites of the parents. Because of all these beliefs, parents desire a son.

(2) Narrow ideology

Narrow mindedness of people is one of the reasons for the difference between boys and girls. People believe that boys will support their parents in their old age, will take the family forward, and educating them will bring progress to the family, whereas educating girls will be a waste of money and time. Although at present girls are working to break the narrow thinking of people. Despite this, the field of work of girls is considered limited to utensils. Therefore, due to non-acceptance of girls’ participation, the importance of girls is considered less than that of boys, which increases gender discrimination.

(3) Defective education system

The Indian education system is extremely flawed due to which education is not related to the practical life of the person. Due to impractical nature of education, especially for girls, the expenditure and time spent on education cannot be compensated. Therefore, not only the education of girls, but also bad feelings spread among people towards this gender. Under the current education, the curriculum prevalent in schools is completely ideological and flawed, and also the interests of girls are not taken into account in it (curriculum), due to which they develop disinterest in education (studies).

(4) Male dominated society

Indian society is male dominated. Where sons are considered the heirs of their father. Only the father’s name is placed before the children’s names. To increase the lineage, parents, grandparents etc. need a son.

After marriage the girl has to go and live at her husband’s house. Only her husband’s name appears before her name. Even for the last rites, funeral, salvation etc. a son is required. Sons also inherit father’s property. Although according to the Constitution, daughters have also got the right to property, yet it has been seen that the family members do not want to give property to the daughters and in many places the daughters do not want to take the property themselves due to deteriorating relations with their brothers. Although there is a matriarchal system in many communities, but those communities are not included in the mainstream. Due to all these reasons, the importance of girls is considered less than that of boys and gender discrimination increases.

(5) Lack of awareness

Due to lack of education, there is still lack of awareness in rural areas and it is believed that women’s sphere is limited to taking care of home and children, hence there is no need to provide them much education. Girls have to stay at home, hence they do not need additional nutrition, hence there is discrimination between boys and girls at the levels of education and nutrition etc. Uneducated people stick to the superstitions and myths prevalent in families and societies and keep following them without thinking. As a result, they consider the importance of the boy as supreme compared to the girl child and give the first right on all facilities and things to the children. Therefore, illiteracy also plays an important role in gender discrimination.

(6) Cultural practices

Indian culture has been male-dominated since ancient times. In Indian culture, presence of men is inevitable even in religious and sacrificial works and some works are completely prohibited for women. Therefore, in such a situation, man becomes dominant and woman’s place becomes secondary. This situation takes the form of a problem of gender discrimination and not of men and women of any one class or community, but of all women.

(7) poverty

Poverty is a big curse of India and boys are given more priority than girls because when they grow up, they will share the burden of financial responsibilities. On the other hand, when the girl grows up, she will have to spend a lot in the form of dowry, due to her financially weak mother. -In these circumstances, the father finds the girl a burden and the boy a support in old age. This problem is not of one region but is prevalent everywhere in India because a large population is living below the poverty line. Therefore, if poverty is reduced, bad practices can be stopped.

(8) Social evils

Even in this age of information and technology, various types of evil practices and superstitions are prevalent in the Indian society such as child marriage, dowry system etc.

Ways to end gender bias

Following are the measures to eliminate gender bias from the society-

1- Awareness

2- Expansion of education system

3- Fair economic opportunities

4- Development of scientific approach

5- End of bad practices

meaning of gender stereotypes

Gender stereotyping refers to the practice of assigning specific qualities, characteristics, or roles to individuals based solely on their gender. These stereotypes can widely influence how people perceive and treat each other based on gender. For example, women are expected to be nurturing and avoid dominance, while men are expected to be submissive and avoid weaknesses.

Gender stereotypes are unfair ideas that refer to generalized attitudes or characteristics that women and men should have. Gender stereotypes are harmful, limiting the ability of women and men to develop their personal potential, pursue their professional lives or make choices.

Stereotypes are related to various anti-social activities and evils prevalent in the society which keeps getting transferred in its original form from one generation to the next. Despite it not having any social utility, class and community give it recognition. Stereotypes hinder the development of society, community and country.

Ways to prevent gender stereotyping

Following are the measures to stop gender stereotypes-

1- Awareness

2- Expansion of education system

3- Fair economic opportunities

4- Development of scientific approach

5- End of bad practices

Relationship between curriculum and textbooks

There is a deep relationship between curriculum and text books. The curriculum and the text book are untouched by each other. Text book cannot be prepared without curriculum and textbook expands and simplifies the curriculum. Curriculum and text books guide both teachers and students.

According to the syllabus prescribed from text books, organized knowledge of the subject is available at one place. Therefore, there is a deep relationship between the curriculum and textbooks, which is clear from the following points:

(1) The syllabus is explained in its entirety in the text books. Analysis of various subjects of the curriculum is obtained from textbooks.

(2) Text books are written for a certain class level based on a certain curriculum. Although the scope of these books is limited, they are very useful for the students because they are directly related to the syllabus.

(3) Along with the formulation of the curriculum, there are also objectives of the curriculum. The text books related to it are prepared in such a way that the objectives of the curriculum can be achieved through them.

(4) Some general text books are also written from the point of view of general study on a particular subject. In these, no prescribed syllabus is made the basis and the topics are expanded in terms of availability and usefulness of the subject material. These books are written by scholars/authors with special interests. These books are useful as supporting books for teachers and students. These are used in higher secondary classes or above. While doing self-study of the syllabus, students prepare their notes by taking the subject material from these books.

(5) Preparation of textbooks is also in accordance with the principles of curriculum development. The main principles of curriculum development are – principle of child centricity, principle of being related to life, principle of completeness of experiences, principle of utility, principle of connection with community life, text books are also prepared according to these principles.

(6) Curriculum is just a printed guide that tells what students have to learn. Text books present detailed discussion of these subjects/topics. Textbooks present brief abstract outlines of the curriculum while textbooks describe them in detail. From this point of view, there is a close relationship between the curriculum and the textbook.

(7) If curriculum is the goal then textbook is the supporting material to achieve that goal. It helps teachers and students in understanding the indications of text books and curriculum.

Bacon has written, “The text book is carefully prepared by experts for classroom use. It also comes equipped with teaching tips.”

(8) The curriculum only mentions the basic form, whereas in the text books, material like pictures, maps, charts, graphs, figures, practice questions, evaluation etc. is also given to make the subject easy and understandable. In the text book, the prescribed topics/topics of the curriculum are presented in a logical and interesting form.

Pattern of representation of gender roles in curriculum and textbooks

The following subjects and topics related to representation of gender roles through curriculum and text books can be included in the curriculum and text books –

(1) Gender gap

Students should have this information in which areas there is gender gap. That is, in which areas women are lagging behind compared to men. The field of education is important from the point of view of gender gap, where for centuries, the percentage of women’s education has been lower than the percentage of men’s education and it is so even today. Education brings self-confidence, awareness and opportunities for women to get employment. An educated woman contributes to educating the entire family. Lack of employment opportunities for women in the economic sector is another important area where the gap is more visible. If women start working, their family and social respect will increase. By becoming capable of earning money, they will be able to raise their children on their own. The gap between men and women in the political field is wide because many other political parties discriminate in giving tickets to contest elections and get the post of public representative. In the social sector today, dowry, Sati system, child marriage, female feticide, purdah and burqa system, prostitution, pitiful condition of widows give a lower place to the social status of women. Due to gender gap, women are not able to develop independently in the social sector and they have to be addressed with addresses like ‘Abla’. It is logical to provide information to students about the areas of gender gap in the curriculum and text books.

(2) Gender inequality

People’s mentality, traditional misconceptions related to women, freedom of women confined within the compound wall, abundance of atrocities on women and domestic violence against them, illiteracy, difficulty in marriage of girls, poor health, fear of sexual violence, social evils (dowry, child marriage, Mismatched marriage, prostitution etc.) indicate gender inequality of women. The issue of gender inequality should be included in the curriculum and textbooks so that boys and girls become aware of its ill effects and will be able to take preventive steps.

(3) Gender sensitivity

The curriculum should include subjects that generate sensitivity among men towards women. Sensitivity towards women’s problems, information about incidents of feticide, dowry death, molestation of women, rape etc. should be given so that the students have knowledge about the factors hindering the development of women. This will help the young generation move towards measures for social reform.

Women are the biggest well-wishers of men in their various forms of mother, sister, daughter and wife, hence humanist approach dictates that men should be sensitive towards the plight of women and make efforts for the upliftment and welfare of women. If these topics are included in the curriculum and text books, then social sensitivity towards women will increase and atrocities and violence will reduce.

(4) Information about legal provisions related to women

In our country, discrimination on the basis of gender is prohibited in the Constitution. Central and state governments have made many laws to improve the status of women. If information about these statutory provisions is given in detail or relevantly in the course textbooks of the students, then the youth will become aware and the other generation will also be trained and will hesitate in violating the provisions of the Act. Information about the Acts will create public awareness and inspire women to do pro-women work.

(5) Information about women welfare and development programs and schemes

Apart from the Central Government, many schemes and programs are run by various State Governments for the welfare of women and girls. By including such programs and schemes in the curriculum and text books, the students will benefit and they will be able to provide benefits to the desired section of the society.

(6) Promotion of women empowerment

To remove gender inequality, the idea of women empowerment has taken a global form, under which the main effort is to understand the reasons which hinder women empowerment. To increase women’s participation and decision making in the family and community, to encourage women to take up new roles which have been considered the domain of men, to expose women to change from those unjust and unequal beliefs, practices, institutions which lead to gender inequality. They are responsible for giving women opportunities to increase their access to natural, monetary and intellectual resources, giving women self-respect and changing the perception of being powerless, etc.

Women empowerment is a global movement, by giving place in the curriculum and textbooks, efforts can be made to bring revolution or change in the interest of women and reawakening.

Outline of gender context in the curriculum after independence

The work done in the curriculum in the context of gender since independence, the various commissions and committees formed from time to time by the Government of India for education; Women members were also included in them so that necessary suggestions could be received for girls’ education. According to the suggestions of these commissions and committees, chapters related to various inspirational, scholar, freedom fighters, scientists, etc. women are included in the curriculum. As a result of which the gender profile can be made positive which can happen in the following context

1- Inclusion of ideal ideas and personalities

After attaining independence, ideal ideas and personalities were included in sufficient quantity in the curriculum of studies and teaching. Through which ideal ideas regarding gender equality and development of high personality can be given priority among the students.

2- Teaching based on reality

Priority was given to reality in the curriculum, as a result of which real incidents happening in the society could be given a place in the curriculum and along with this, many gender-related evils of the society could also be brainstormed. So that there can be an awareness among the students and gender inequalities and evils existing in the society can be eliminated.

3- Development of scientific approach

After independence, many gender discrimination existed in India, the only solution to remove it is scientific approach. When scientific approach develops among people, then it is natural that such discrimination will end. To end all these discrimination, adequate measures were taken to develop scientific approach in the school curriculum.

4- Priority to moral values

Inequalities are found at many levels in the society, in which this discrimination is seen a lot, especially with women. To remove all these discrimination, when morality is developed in studies and teaching, then as a result this discrimination can be removed to a great extent.

5- Information about rights

Gender discrimination cannot end unless people know about their rights and entitlements. After independence, students started being given information about their rights and entitlements through courses. Through which students become aware of their rights, due to which its positive impact on gender discrimination can be directly seen.

Overview of Girls Education in India

Education is very important for anyone. After getting good education, many changes are seen in a person’s life. Providing comparative standards for the education of boys and girls is to promote girls’ education. Girls education helps in building a good society, because the society is made up of both men and women.

What are the objectives of girl education?

After getting educated, a girl can spread her shine in any corner of the world. The objectives of girl education affect your personal life as well as your social practices.

1- To bring change in the society

2- To educate and empower girls

3- To make girls self-reliant

4- To solve external and internal problems

5- To increase literacy rate

6- To build good character

What are the measures to promote girl education?

Government and private leadership are important to increase girls’ interest in education. Administrative officers are able to provide priority mandates to motivate action and provide additional resources when needed. In the points below we will know the measures to promote girl education-

1- Increasing the scope of thinking

Before independence, there was less awareness about girl education, but currently if a girl is educated then she can help in meeting the expenses of the family along with her husband. Education also increases the scope of thinking of women.

2- Proper implementation of government policies or schemes

Girls education is one of the major factors of educational policies. Girls’ education has given a new direction due to proper implementation of government policies and schemes. ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao’ program provides Rs 5.00 crore to strengthen girls’ education in 100 districts on the basis of child sex ratio.

3- Providing proper participation in the society

Like boys, girls are also getting the opportunity to show their skills everywhere, from the cricket field to flying aeroplanes, they are establishing their identity. Similarly, girls should have proper participation in other social works.

4- Promoting the role of leader

The role of leadership is important to increase girls’ interest in education. The role of a leader can be an inspiration to encourage girls to go to school and provide them with an educational experience.

5- Incentive through scholarship

Whatever the government may be, it starts scholarships to encourage girls’ education. Many schemes are being run for the education of girls in rural areas. With the help of scholarship, things related to their education will become easier.

What are the steps taken by the government for girl education?

Girls have a big contribution in the progress of the country. Measures have been taken by the government to promote girls’ education, about which we will know below-

1- Various government schemes for girls

2- Programs related to education for girls

3- Scholarship Programs

4- Formation of village education committee

5- RTE or Right to Education Act 2009

6- National Support Group

7- State support groups etc.

Government schemes to promote girl education

The government has launched many schemes to educate everyone, which can give a new direction to anyone in their career path. Below we will learn about some major government schemes to promote girl education-

  1. Girls Prosperity Scheme

Balika Samriddhi Yojana This government scheme for girls, born in BPL families. Under the supervision of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, this government scheme aims to change the negative attitude of people towards the girl child and her mother at the time of birth. Under this scheme, a grant amount of Rs 500 is given after birth. Apart from this, the girl child is entitled to an annual scholarship based on her grade. Rs 300 in Grade I, II and III, Rs 500 in Grade IV, Rs 600 in Grade V, Rs 700 in Grade VI and VII, Rs 800 in Grade VIII; And in Grade IX and X, an annual assistance of Rs 1,000 is given. The amount is deposited in the savings account of the girl child and the total amount can be withdrawn when the girl child completes 18 years of age.

  1. Save daughter, educate daughter

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Launched in 2015, ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Human Resource Development. The objective of the scheme is to address the declining child sex ratio, create awareness about the importance of the girl child, and encourage the girl child to pursue higher education. Under the government scheme for girls, Rs 5,000 is given to the top ten girl students who pass class 10th and 12th state board exams in a district. Also, Rs 20,000 is given to the girl topper of class 12th state board examination in the district who enrolls for higher education.

  1. Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is a savings deposit scheme maintained by the National Savings Institute, Ministry of Finance. The objective of this government scheme for girls is to enable parents to meet the expenses of the girl’s education or marriage. In this, there is a facility of minimum investment of Rs 250 and maximum of Rs 1,50,000 in a financial year. The principal amount invested, interest rate earned and maturity amount are all tax-free. It allows partial withdrawal after the account holder attains 18 years of age and full withdrawal after 21 years. The account can be opened in post offices and branches of any authorized bank.

  1. BSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child

BSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child The CBSE Merit Scholarship Scheme for Single Girl Child aims to recognize the efforts of parents who promote the education of girls. It is given to girl students of class XI and XII in CBSE schools. A girl child is entitled to Rs 500 per month for two years. For this, the student must be the only daughter of her parents and must have secured 60% or more marks in CBSE 10th class examination.

  1. Kasturba Gandhi Girls School Scheme

Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya Girls Education Scheme, is a government scheme for girls launched in 2004, which provides free residential school facilities at upper primary level mainly to girls belonging to Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Other Backward Class and minority communities. Gives. This girl child scheme is being implemented in educationally backward blocks of the country where female rural literacy is below the national average and the gender gap in literacy is above the national average.

  1. National Scheme to Incentivize Girls for Secondary Education

National Scheme for Incentivizing Girls for Secondary Education This government scheme for girls, launched in 2008, aims to encourage girls belonging to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe communities and in the age group of 14-18 years to enroll in secondary schools. . A fixed amount of Rs 3,000 is deposited in the name of eligible girls in a public sector bank or post office. The amount along with interest can be withdrawn after the girl reaches the age of 18 years or passes matriculation examination.

7- Gaura Devi Kanya Dhan Yojana

Gaura Devi Kanya Dhan Yojana was started by the Uttarakhand government in 2017. The main objective of starting this scheme is to empower the girls of the state by providing financial assistance.

Under this scheme, financial assistance of Rs 50000 will be provided by the government to the girls of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and BPL (SC, ST, EWS) category falling below the poverty line after passing 12th.

Role of media in propagating popular beliefs

Media is the collective name for various means of communication. The word media is used as a collective noun. Media is an important medium to deliver information, education and entertainment to the common people.

Media also plays a role as a sentinel of society’s policy, traditions, beliefs and civilization and culture. Various sections of the society get information about various events happening all over the world only through media. Therefore, he should present the information impartially and in the right perspective. Media has the following roles in propagating popular beliefs of the society-

1- Preservation of popular beliefs

Media plays a very important role in the context of popular beliefs existing in the society. A lot of help is provided in the form of preservation of these popular beliefs through media, due to which these popular beliefs reach more people and hence it does not collapse.

2- Transfer of popular beliefs

Popular beliefs become important only when these beliefs are spread to many people and those beliefs can be transferred from one generation to the next. This work of transfer is done very well by the media, hence popular beliefs are transferred through the media.

3- Awareness in terms of popular beliefs

Information about popular beliefs is easily available through the media and the reach of the media is among a large number of people, so in this context the media spreads these popular beliefs among the people due to which people become aware of these beliefs i.e. aware. If these things happen in the context of those beliefs, then in this way we can say that media creates awareness in the context of popular beliefs.

4- Inclusion in educational field

When popular beliefs have great importance for the country and society, then considering the importance of these beliefs, they are included in the education so that the benefits of these popular beliefs can be passed on to the students through education. The importance of these popular beliefs is disseminated in the country and society through the media so that one can realize what is actually the importance of these popular beliefs.

5- Development of principles and rules based on popular beliefs

When popular beliefs continue to spread through the media and people remain aware of those beliefs, then it is natural that those popular beliefs will not decline, as a result of which rules and principles based on those beliefs will continue to be developed from time to time, which will The country and society will benefit.

Reinforcing gender roles in popular culture and school

Gender roles in the society have their own importance. The specialty of a progressive society is that gender equality is established there, only then that society can move forward on the path of progress and the culture that exists in the society is reflected somewhere in the society. It has a deep impact on the people living. If popular culture is idealized in a way that helps in establishing gender equality in the society, then it is very helpful for the progress of the society.

Similarly, the education system in the society also has its own importance in gender equality. If education about gender equality is given to students through schools, then it directly impacts the country and society in a positive way. So, in this way, the popular culture and schools of the society have a very important contribution in gender equality. To further strengthen the gender roles, popular beliefs and culture and schools help a lot because they have an unbreakable connection with the society. . The importance of popular culture and schools in the context of gender roles in society can be seen as follows-

1- Aware of gender sensitivity

Through the popular culture and schools present in the society, people are made aware of gender sensitivity so that people can become aware of all those sensitivities in the context of gender which can actually be useful for the individual, country and society.

2- Awareness regarding gender roles

Awareness about gender roles is given through popular culture and schools so that people can become aware of gender roles and gender inequality can be eliminated and equality can be established in the society.

3- Establish ideal thoughts

Efforts are made to eliminate all the evils, misconceptions and notions that exist in the country and society through popular culture and schools. So that they do not face any kind of discrimination or exploitation on the basis of gender in the society. This popular culture and schools help in establishing ideal thoughts among the people and efforts are made to eliminate all those evils.

4- Development of human values

Through popular culture and schools, human values are developed among the people so that the all-round development of the human being can take place and the country can move forward with national progress. This development of human values will happen only when there is no discrimination of any kind in the society. Whether that discrimination is on the basis of gender or on the basis of colour, no place is given to any kind of discrimination, only then human values will be able to develop.

5- Importance of men and women in society

Through schools and popular culture, people are made aware of the importance of men and women in the society, how necessary both of them are for the progress of the society and the absence of one has a negative impact on the society. Men and women are two sides of the same coin for the progress of society and it is very important to be parallel.

women empowerment

Women empowerment is the growth and development of women in the society by giving them equal rights like men. To provide equal opportunities to women to increase their participation in various fields of social life. The objective of women empowerment is to empower women to the extent that they can face their lives independently including education, health, lifestyle, career etc. The objective of women empowerment is that all female members of the society will eventually gain rights, status and authority.

women empowerment issues

There are some important issues related to empowering women due to which the status of women is quite unsatisfactory in the society. If work is done in a positive manner regarding all those issues in the society, then it is natural that women can be empowered. The issues related to women empowerment are as follows-

1- Female feticide

In terms of gender and equality in society, female feticide is quite prominent, in which girl children are identified and killed in the womb itself. This happens because people want to have a son, which leads to female foeticide, which later has a negative impact on the society.

2- Maternal mortality rate

Maternal mortality rate also increases due to lack of good health facilities for women in the society. Many times it is seen that women are deliberately deprived of health facilities in the understanding that they are not given the importance of men’s status, due to which all these negative consequences come to the fore.

3- Infant girl mortality rate

Even after the birth of girls, many types of discrimination are seen against girls in the society, whether it is regarding some food, nutrition and health facilities, due to which there is a negative impact on the physical and mental health of girls, which leads to infant girl death. Increases the rate. This is due to neglect of the girl child; For every 15 infant deaths, 14 are girls.

4- Dowry system

There are many types of customs in the society which act as barriers to gender equality. One of the major problems is the dowry system, although at present the dowry system is legally illegal but it is not completely eliminated from the society. Under the Dowry system, there is a practice of giving dowry during the marriage of girls, the burden of which remains on the parents of the girls, due to this also a father does not want the birth of a girl child. Due to all these, this kind of thing is actually prevalent in the society. Inhuman treatment takes place.

5- Domestic violence

There is also a major problem of domestic violence against women, due to which women are exploited in many ways and they are deprived of their rights and even incidents like abuse, assault etc. happen to them.

6- Imbalanced sex ratio

Women are discriminated against due to various types of evil practices, misconceptions and concepts, even female foeticide is carried out before they are born, due to which the gender ratio in the country is not balanced.

7- Male dominance

Male dominated mentality is not compatible with women empowerment. In this, more importance is given to man and man has ownership in every work and every field and women remain dependent on a man due to which women get exploited.

8- Social evils and superstition

There are many such evils and superstitions in the society which underestimate women. These evils confine women to four walls which negatively impacts the development of women. All the evils, misconceptions, superstitions and notions lead to exploitation of women and hinder their development.

Women Empowerment Strategies

There is great need for empowerment of women. Without their empowerment, there can be no upliftment of women nor the society, but there are many obstacles in the path of women empowerment, without removing which women cannot be empowered. Some strategies for women empowerment and their implementation are as follows-

  1. Women have the right to freedom and equality through the Constitution.

In the context of women empowerment, women are also given the right to freedom and equality through the Constitution. Through the right to freedom, women have the right to a sufficient amount of freedom in every context as per the Constitution. Right to equality: Women will be treated equally without any discrimination.

  1. Right to education

The Right to Education provides for free and compulsory education to all children in the age group of 6 to 14 years as a fundamental right. Through this right, women will actually be empowered and women can be made aware by educating them, which is an important initiative in the context of women empowerment.

  1. Encouragement for scholarships and girl education

To further empower women, to provide better educational opportunities to them, there are many schemes related to scholarship and girl education under which girls are encouraged for education so that women can be empowered.

  1. Women Safety

Women safety is very important to empower women. Incidents of abuse against both women are a matter of concern. If adequate amount of protection is provided to women and the rules and laws are designed in such a way that they are actually beneficial to women, then empowerment of women can actually be done. There are sufficient rules and regulations for women’s safety which prevent incidents like abuse, torture, exploitation of women.

  1. End of evils

One of the main reasons for the abuse and exploitation of women is evil practices. All these evils have been abolished for the empowerment of women. It is legally illegal that all those evils undermine the rights of women. All those evils have been abolished by the government so that there is no discrimination and exploitation of women.

Role of education or school in gender equality

Education is considered an important means of developing gender equality. Even today, gender discrimination is seen less in the educated society. Whereas this discrimination is widely seen in the uneducated society because various types of misleading and superstitious activities can be eliminated through education. Due to this, every person behaves in such a way that develops gender equality in the society. The important role of education in developing gender equality can be explained through the following points-

  1. Behavior of equality in school

Gender equality develops when equal treatment is received in school. In school, when teachers do not behave in a discriminatory and biased manner towards male and female students, then gender inequality does not arise among male and female students. The moral values of the students develop on the basis of the values acquired in school. Only on the basis of these values, students will be able to treat each other equally.

  1. Development of democratic values

Democratic values should be developed among students through education so that every student can get information about his rights and duties. When every student knows his rights and duties, he will not behave rudely with any student.

  1. Equal opportunity of development

Availability of equal opportunities for development is possible only through education. When male and female students will get equal opportunities for educational development, then every male and female student will generally be able to achieve higher positions as per their ability. Every boy and girl will be able to cooperate with each other. In this way, the situation of gender discrimination will gradually be eliminated from the entire society.

  1. Development of spirit of co-operation

The spirit of cooperation can be developed among students through education. Gender discrimination can be eliminated only on the basis of spirit of cooperation.

  1. Proper guidance and counseling

If students receive proper guidance and counseling as per their need in schools, sexual feelings do not develop in their minds. They should not be made aware from time to time whether they are boys or girls, rather they should be introduced to their abilities. If a girl is capable of participating in high jump, then she should receive guidance and counseling to participate in high jump. In this way gender discrimination can end.

  1. Development of scientific view

The process of development of scientific attitude is possible only through education. Through education, stereotypes and superstitions are eliminated in the society; For example, it is believed that women have less intelligence than men. When it is shown through experiments and surveys that girl students are achieving more qualifications than male students, then this misconception of every person goes away and he stops discriminating between men and women in the society. This creates gender equality.

Role of curriculum and textbooks in gender equality

Curriculum and text books have an important role in establishing gender equality and the following subjects can be included in the curriculum and text books –

(1) Gender gap

Students should have this information in which areas there is gender gap. That is, in which areas women are lagging behind compared to men. The field of education is important from the point of view of gender gap, where for centuries, the percentage of women’s education has been lower than the percentage of men’s education and it is so even today. Education brings self-confidence, awareness and opportunities for women to get employment. An educated woman contributes to educating the entire family. Lack of employment opportunities for women in the economic sector is another important area where the gap is more visible. If women start working, their family and social respect will increase. By becoming capable of earning money, they will be able to raise their children on their own. The gap between men and women in the political field is wide because many other political parties discriminate in giving tickets to contest elections and get the post of public representative. In the social sector today, dowry, Sati system, child marriage, female feticide, purdah and burqa system, prostitution, pitiful condition of widows give a lower place to the social status of women. Due to gender gap, women are not able to develop independently in the social sector and they have to be addressed with addresses like ‘Abla’. It is logical to provide information to students about the areas of gender gap in the curriculum and text books.

(2) Gender inequality

People’s mentality, traditional misconceptions related to women, freedom of women confined within the compound wall, abundance of atrocities on women and domestic violence against them, illiteracy, difficulty in marriage of girls, poor health, fear of sexual violence, social evils (dowry, child marriage, Mismatched marriage, prostitution etc.) indicate gender inequality of women. The issue of gender inequality should be included in the curriculum and textbooks so that boys and girls become aware of its ill effects and will be able to take preventive steps.

(3) Gender sensitivity

The curriculum should include subjects that generate sensitivity among men towards women. Sensitivity towards women’s problems, information about incidents of feticide, dowry death, molestation of women, rape etc. should be given so that the students have knowledge about the factors hindering the development of women. This will help the young generation move towards measures for social reform.

Women are the biggest well-wishers of men in their various forms of mother, sister, daughter and wife, hence humanist approach dictates that men should be sensitive towards the plight of women and make efforts for the upliftment and welfare of women. If these topics are included in the curriculum and text books, then social sensitivity towards women will increase and atrocities and violence will reduce.

(4) Information about legal provisions related to women

In our country, discrimination on the basis of gender is prohibited in the Constitution. Central and state governments have made many laws to improve the status of women. If information about these statutory provisions is given in detail or relevantly in the course textbooks of the students, then the youth will become aware and the other generation will also be trained and will hesitate in violating the provisions of the Act. Information about the Acts will create public awareness and inspire women to do pro-women work.

(5) Information about women welfare and development programs and schemes

Apart from the Central Government, many schemes and programs are run by various State Governments for the welfare of women and girls. By including such programs and schemes in the curriculum and text books, the students will benefit and they will be able to provide benefits to the desired section of the society.

(6) Promotion of women empowerment

To remove gender inequality, the idea of women empowerment has taken a global form, under which the main effort is to understand the reasons which hinder women empowerment. To increase women’s participation and decision making in the family and community, to encourage women to take up new roles which have been considered the domain of men, to expose women to change from those unjust and unequal beliefs, practices, institutions which lead to gender inequality. They are responsible for giving women opportunities to increase their access to natural, monetary and intellectual resources, giving women self-respect and changing the perception of being powerless, etc.

Women empowerment is a global movement, by giving place in the curriculum and textbooks, efforts can be made to bring revolution or change in the interest of women and reawakening.

Teachers as agents of change for gender equality

The role of teacher is very important in gender equality. Teacher and learner are the pillars of the entire education system but the place of teacher is very important in the educational factor of change. The teacher establishes gender equality through teaching methods, curriculum, teaching objectives and co-curricular activities etc. Efforts are made to establish gender equality by providing education to students in the society through curriculum and text books. Curriculum and text books are used by the teacher to read to the students in the classrooms, in this way the teacher actually plays his role as an agent. Therefore, teachers can discharge their role as agents of change in gender equality in the following ways:

(1) To ensure equal participation in classroom activities

Many types of competitions and activities are organized in classroom situations. Boys and girls should be given equal opportunity to participate in all these.

(2) Awareness regarding superstitions and stereotypes

To eliminate gender related prejudices and stereotypes, teachers should try to strengthen the feeling of women empowerment. Efforts should be made to oppose the injustice towards women in the society. Women should be made aware of the fact that they are no less than men, they can do all the work like men and can perform better than men too. This will eliminate all gender related prejudices and stereotypes.

(3) To make boys and girls sensitive towards each other

It is also the responsibility of teachers to make both boys and girls sensitive towards each other. Efforts should be made to sensitize boys towards the problem of teasing of girls etc. and at the same time they should be taught to respect each other. Research has revealed that teachers in schools pay more attention to boys, but some research has also revealed that teachers at the secondary level do not pay much attention to boys. Girls are given more attention at the secondary level. The percentage of boys involved in disciplinary proceedings is higher than that of girls.

(4) Girls encouraged for education

To eliminate gender-related stereotypes and prejudices, a teacher encourages girls to pursue education. Girls should be rewarded for securing first position in the class. In school, teachers should assign important tasks to girls so that they do not feel that they are being discriminated against. The parents who do not send their girls to school due to some problem, the teacher should try to solve their problems.

(5) Development of coordinated approach towards men and women

The teacher should try to explain the co-existence of men and women in the society so that the society can understand that the creation of this world is not possible in the absence of women. Therefore, discriminating against women is not only a crime but also lays the foundation for the destruction of the society. Both men and women together can provide a new direction to this society.

(6) To develop the abilities of women more.

The teacher helps in maximum development of the abilities of the students in the school. Many times it can be proved that girl students have more abilities than male students. Along with this, a teacher should also take upon himself the arrangements for the development of whatever talents are found in the students. By developing and utilizing the talents of women, all prejudices and stereotypes will be eliminated.

(7) Description of great women

The teacher tells about the great works done by women both in school and society like Sarojini Naidu, Maharani Lakshmibai, Sati Anusuiya, Gargi and Shabari etc. These women worked for both worldly and spiritual society. This type of situation will end the discrimination based on gender in the society and the dominance of women will increase.

sexually abused

Having physical relations against the will of the other person is called sexual harassment or abuse. The problem of violence against women is not new. Women in Indian society have been victims of contempt, torture and exploitation for a long time. Today, gradually women are being considered important, influential and meaningful partners in the lives of men. But till a few decades ago its condition was pathetic. The ideologies, customs and norms prevalent in Indian society have contributed significantly to sexual misconduct/violence and harassment against women. Some of these can be seen in practice even today. Sexual abuse includes criminal violence like rape, kidnapping, murder etc. and domestic or family violence like wife beating, sexual abuse etc. These include harassment for not bringing dowry, dowry deaths, female foeticide, ill-treatment of widows and elderly women.

due to sexual abuse

Incidents of sexual abuse keep happening in the society every day, for which there are many reasons, all the reasons of which we will try to understand in the following manner –

1- Evils existing in the society

One of the most important reasons for sexual abuse is that the existing evils in the society, these evils underestimate women, due to which women are harassed in many ways, they are abused, they are exploited in many ways, the main reason for which is There are evils existing in the society.

2- Lack of strong legal protection

When incidents of sexual abuse occur in society, such incidents keep happening again due to the lack of strong legal protection for them. If there is strong legal protection, then no person will try to commit sexual misconduct, even if he does, he will be punished by the law, so that other people will never be able to commit such misconduct.

3- Lack of women empowerment

If women are dependent on men then it is natural that incidents like sexual abuse will keep happening to them because it is completely dependent on men. If women are financially dependent on themselves then such incidents will not happen to them and even if they happen, they will raise their voice against incidents like sexual abuse. Therefore, it is necessary to empower women so that they can raise their voice against their exploitation. If they are dependent on people then they will not be able to raise their voice.

4- Concept of woman as an object of consumption

There is a perception in the society that new things are only for consumption, which is absolutely wrong. A better society is created by the combination of both men and women, both of whom have an important contribution in the development of the society and the country. Blue movies, porn sites, naked female bodies, nude photos are common on the internet nowadays. This points towards the thinking of sensual men.

5- Lack of awareness

The occurrence of sexual abuse in society is ever a matter of dissatisfaction. This incident is not the hallmark of a civilized society. Due to misconceptions and beliefs among people regarding sexuality, women are considered inferior due to which incidents of sexual abuse against women occur. These people do not know that men have an equally important contribution in building the society. There is a lack of awareness among women too in this regard. In fact, if awareness is spread in the society, then such incidents of abuse will not happen.

6- Male dominated society

One of the main reasons for sexual abuse of women is the male-dominated society in which men are given more importance and men have dominance in every field. In such a male-dominated society, women are underestimated and have to depend on men, due to which men exploit women in many ways because women are dependent on men.


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